Monday, June 10, 2013

Party House of the Weekend

 73 Curtis Place, Amherst 

So yes even though UMass, our number one generator of Party House participants, is currently on sabbatical, that doesn't magically flip a switch and guarantee the bucolic village of Amherst a quiet weekend.

Early Sunday morning (12:49 a.m.) Amherst police responded to 73 Curtis Place, an owner occupied home in a tranquil neighborhood, and issued a verbal warning for noise.

The rowdy residents -- not taking the hint -- returned to their noisy ways.  The second time around (2:37 a.m.) Amherst Police issued a $300 noise ticket.

73 Curtis Place, in a tucked away neighborhood


  1. This party happens every single year and every single year someone has to call the cops.

  2. Amherst needs to get tough-

    Northampton has rules about grass getting too long(I'm thinking Babetown)- fines if you don't mow.

    Allston (college student central) has trash fines- The landlord passes the fines onto its renters via security deposits.

    We have homes in squalor, hoarders (with junk blocking exits) in Amherst Housing Apartments (Pomeroy Coop)- Vacant homes boarded up/ wasting away all over town.
