Friday, June 28, 2013


At least they spelled my name correctly

In basketball when a player misses a shot because of a hurried release fearing that a defender is bearing down from behind at full speed when in fact nobody is near, they call it "hearing footsteps."

Apparently these "artists" put on a show last night somewhere in Amherst.  They were pretty secretive about it on Reddit and nothing appeared on Facebook or Twitter, so it probably did not draw all that many music aficionados.  

I have not even thought much about the hip "underground DIY music scene" in Amherst lately, mainly because the schools are out and the party scene goes on hiatus.  So I was a little surprised when a reader spotted this "advertisement" on the Amherst subreddit today soon after it was first posted. 

Since no one has contacted me "for booking" at my email they posted, I guess it's fair to say the ad is not overly effective.  And I'm not so sure my funeral is near at hand, but if so -- I wonder if they even know "Danny Boy?"


  1. Hitler's Mustache Ride?

  2. I'm sorry you have to go through this. The only hate I see being thrown around seems to be thrown at you. Sticks and stones ...

  3. Oh, Larry has engaged in plenty of wicked and hateful name-calling in his years as a "journalist", he's simply experiencing a little instant karma right now.

    You must be new, fellow CAN 10:18... dig deep to discover the broken bones...

  4. What's good for the goose....

  5. Satire is the sincerest form of flattery.

  6. Larry,
    So what are your rates, anyway?

  7. Info is over on the right under Mr. Vickery's ad.

  8. Seems like this could easily be referred to the Amherst PD and the DA's office. This is a serious threat of harm and some asshole could do jail time for it.

  9. Disadvantage of an extensive karate background is most officials know I can take of myself.

    Of course, these days, with the proliferation of handguns ...

  10. High rates for primatesJune 29, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    "You must be new, fellow CAN 10:18... dig deep to discover the broken bones..."

    Yeah Larry, I mean Jesus, why can't you be more like them?

    Like, ummmm, let's see...

    Oh, Rick Hood!

    "My background in web development and graphic design has helped me develop proficiency in the development of communication tools. I love to take something complicated and explain it as simply and effectively as possible."

    Rick, banana?

  11. Larry, I am going to tell you exactly what I have told a lot of 19-year-olds -- there is a HELL OF A LOT LESS PAPERWORK if you let the cops deal with something instead of taking care of it yourself -- even though I have no doubt you are able to -- and if you let the cops deal with it, they get to fill most of it out as well.

    Yes, it is common sense over machismo, but if that doesn't work, do you enjoy filling out paperwork? LOTS of paperwork?

    The absolute worst thing would you being confronted and having to use deadly force in self defense -- ask George Zimmerman -- and it is even worse with no paper trail. Even though I personally file death threats under "B" for "bullshite", I do document them, and do maintain whatever physical evidence I may have as well. (I have had occasion to be glad of this practice.)

    A handgun isn't as lethal as you might think -- only the most disciplined person won't bring a hand up to protect his/her/its face -- and it's going to be the master hand -- the one with the gun. My grandfather once drove an armed robber out of a store by throwing canned vegetables at his head -- he had been a Baseball pitcher, semi pro, and the story is that the robber dropped the gun and ran for his life.

    At Virginia Tech, they let the schmuck reload at least three times -- that's mindboggling. People lived at the Gaby Giffords' shooting because a woman (gun owner herself, familiar with firearms) did something like jam something into the clip receiver so the perp couldn't get the full one in.

    Other than possibly the one in the chamber, if you don't get the clip in (and round chambered if there isn't one there) you don't have bullets in the gun. Bullets can't come out of the gun if they aren't first in it. And while I would not want to be in such a situation, if you jam something, particularly something fairly solid, into the barrel of a gun, the weapon is more likely to explode than fire the bullet downrange. (It can do this even if it is dirty enough -- there is a s-load of pressure that has to go somewhere, and if it can't push the bullet out and escape that way, it will often find a weak part of the gun and escape that way.)

    I've learned the hard way that you (or your attorney) document absolutely everything with the police. That you insist on an incident or call number -- and you write it down and keep it.

    Oh, and Larry, it's not wise to brag about one's lethality. Trust me on that....

  12. Two other things:

    Yes Ed knows what he is talking about -- one of my deliquescent relatives, who ought to have cleaned his .308 rifle but didn't -- blew the bolt out the side of it.

    He wasn't hearing too well for a while....

    And the other thing to remember about Virginia Tech is that the people who followed the rules DIED while those who broke them either (a) lived or (b) sacrificed their lives so that others could live.

  13. Opening Act: Lethal Eddie and The Documentarians

  14. But really, what about this sort of humorous artwork could be perceived as a "serious threat of harm", as one CAN put it? I assume it has to do with the reference to Larry's funeral? But that doesn't strike me as any different than someone saying "I'll dance on your grave when your gone". And besides, no one sent it to Larry. I think Larry knows a threat when he sees one and you others are just very thin skinned wusses.

  15. "The absolute worst thing would you being confronted and having to use deadly force in self defense -- ask George Zimmerman"

    A bit premature for the use of this example.

    No matter what happened in the minute before Trayvon was killed- (phone records)...

    The reality is George has NO remorse.

  16. The reality is George has NO remorse.

    Why should he? I wouldn't.

    Someone tried to kill him and he prevented the schmuck from doing so. HE didn't make the decision to attack himself, he instead made the decision that he wasn't going to die. And that is a legitimate decision, a defensible one, and one for which he should have no remorse.

    And in killing that perp, he prevented the perp from ever killing (or raping or harming) anyone else. Of any race. And I think that was a GOOD thing. As is the whole country learning exactly what passes for 13+ years of public education in Miami and just how uneducated (and obese) a young lady can be.

    Question I would have asked: "When is the last time anyone in your family worked?" "How many generations ago?"

    Amherst may be a vaccuum but the rest of the world is starting to have had ENOUGH of this.

    He should be proud of his actions.

  17. Opening Act: Lethal Eddie and The Documentarians

    Be careful of what you ask for, you might just get it. The cute Black girl used to say that on Star Trek a lot...

  18. What the hell are you talking about Ed? Are you off your meds again?

  19. What the hell are you talking about Ed? Are you off your meds again?

    Cooler's empty and life's too short to drink warm beer. (If I have to work off the Calories, I'm at least going to enjoy consuming them.) So, in a way, yes, I am.

    Consumed in moderation, Bud Lite is the ultimate med -- it enables one to tolerate c-heads and schmucks, it enables one to deal with the fact that the "average" IQ is only 100 as well as the fact that in Amherst -- where all things lean to the left -- the left side of the curve is disproportionately represented.

    And the sad thing is that the CANs (a) likely aren't even going to realize that I have insulted them, let alone that (b) any response is going to make THEM look even worse....

  20. Ed, was that you that commented anonymously on Larry's tribute to the AZ Firefighters post on July 1 at 00:47 hours? I noticed you made other comments that you signed your name to right around the time that one was published (including the previous one here!) and the 00:47 post is tinged with classic Dr. Ed hallmarks.

    You're not still sleeping off the cooler full of Bud Lite, are you? Sounds like it was a doozy.

  21. Oh, Brave New World.

  22. any response is going to make THEM look even worse....

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    any response is going to make THEM look even worse....

  23. Doesn't get much worse than trampling on an American flag.

  24. Larry, I'm sure they can think of something worse than merely walking on an American flag....

    Aren't you?

  25. They don't strike me as being particularly bright, so ... no.

  26. The American Flag consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red and white. The flag in the Art Ad the boys made has twelve stripes and they are not equal. Therefore not an American Flag.

  27. Honestly think the boys know how to count?
