Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Free At Last

 “A Start of Summer Block Party Celebrating Human Rights and the Juneteenth Holiday"

The "Juneteenth Holiday" commemorating the June 19, 1865 date the final Confederate state abolished slavery attracted a diverse crowd to the Amherst Town Common this evening.

 Reynolds Winslow, retired Chair Amherst Human Rights Commission

Reynolds Winslow, always a powerful speaker, accepted an award for his many years as Chair of the Amherst Human Rights Commission.

Although I was sad to hear him start his brief speech with the revelation that he has stepped down from the Commission, having recently moved to the city of Chicopee.  Amherst was fortunate to have his thoughtful input for as long as we did.


  1. Hmm, better inspect the common and send someone a bill. There might be a broken blade of grass.

  2. A lot of bullies here Larry. Bullies are weak people who puff up like a blow fish to make themselves look larger. Actually they are weak and lack self esteem. This makes them feel powerful. Sad actually.

  3. Sort of like when, here on this very blog, Walter, you use names of people who bust their butts in this town trying to make it better, and write that they "suck".

    Your gonna get back what you give in this leifetime, I promise you. Let's see if you'll consider changing your use of negative language against specific people in this town, on this world wide forum...perhaps we will reach some kind of a truce, no?

  4. How come Amherst Select Board members can live anywhere they want except Amherst but he can't? I mean they will hire convinced criminals as guidance councilors because of color in Amherst school, how come he can't be allowed to do what he loves?

  5. One of the most important events in American history, the Civil Rights Movement brought about progress towards racial equality under the law, after America largely spent the hundred years after the Civil War ignoring the fact that blacks and other minorities were still being treated like second class citizens with little to no rights in many parts of the country.

    I, for one, say "Blutengel, einstürzende neubauten" to our esteemed Winslow.

  6. Like whom do you speak?

  7. I mean they will hire convi(cted) criminals as guidance councilors...

    That was indeed a controversial hire, made by another administration at another time. I shared your concerns.

  8. How come Amherst Select Board members can live anywhere they want except Amherst but he can't?

    I read what Larry wrote to imply that he "stepped down", not that he's not allowed to remain in the position because of where he lives.

  9. Speaking of where people live. Why are your kids in the Amherst school system when you Wally are not even a resident? I gather your kids live with you in Sunderland too? I would listen to your opinions if you were at least a taxpayer here. I suppose you consider this bullying also.

  10. 9:27 If you have real concerns about this issue (residency requirements for enrollment of your child in the ARPS's) you should contact central administration, probably Marta Guevera.

  11. Thanks 12:57, I looked at the Amherst school system website instead. It basically says, if you don't reside within the district. You don't go to school in the district. unless you are accepted and pay tuition. Somehow I don't think our most vocal non-resident critic is the tuition paying kind of guy. Just sayin'...

  12. his kids could be school choice.

  13. And what pray tell is "school choice"? Who pays for this policy?

  14. There is the school choice possibility or the possibility that the children's mother resides in Amherst and they spend most of their time there. He deserves the benefit of the doubt as a parent of kids in the schools.

  15. "benefit of the doubt", yep, that's as good excuse as any for spending my tax dollars. What about that road that needs repair? Ah hell, let's just cater to anybody that comes along. We got ton's of money for the schools. We might as well bring in out of state kids too.

  16. I didn't say it shouldn't be checked out, I'm just saying we don't know whether his kids are enrolled appropriately or not, so in the meantime he and his family deserve the benefit of the doubt.

    A 10 second internet search (school choice Amherst) yielded this quote from a March 2013 Gazette article:

    The elementary district accepted school choice students for the first time this year, while the regional district has offered school choice since 1999. More than 1,200 choice students have attended the middle and high school since then, and they have brought the schools more than $6 million in income.
