Tuesday, June 18, 2013


 West side of town common

The torrential rains that postponed the opening of the 22nd Annual Taste of Amherst last Thursday also primed conditions for that other byproduct of a successful public event on the town common:  turf damage.

Yes the town common is public space freely used by the general public.   But large events like the Taste of Amherst, Pot Rally and Town Fair do more than their share of damage, that has to be repaired at public expense.

 Northeast side of town common

The town should simply enact a fee for large events IF they end up causing damage, much like landlords collect a security deposit prior to leasing an apartment. 


  1. Why? Isn't that what our DPW does? It's not like they get hired each time? Think of it like snow removal, it's just one of their jobs.

  2. What IF The Taste of Amherst INCREASES restaurant business, COLLECTING more tax money, which can PAY for more grass re-sodding?

  3. Yeah, they also put up and take down the commemorative flags which are still up from Flag Day.

    So apparently the DPW is pretty busy at the moment.

  4. Tom, the Pot Rally probably stimulates food sales (Captain Candy for sure).

  5. Everything takes upkeep. We don't charge individuals when we need to repaint lines on tennis courts or fix basketball hoops. This is no different, it's just more visible since it's in the center of town.

  6. You just aren't happy, Larry, if you don't have something to complain about. Really. Get a life.

  7. Which of course brings up my #1 complaint: Cowardly Anon Nitwits.

  8. A fee for this, a fee for that. Can anyone dream up a few more fees? Remember when our tax dollars were used to take care of these "services" without everything having a fee on top of it?

  9. The town provides paved parking in the downtown and overall tax dollars pays for its upkeep. But if you park in the downtown, you pay for it (one way or the other).

  10. To me that's the worst of big government. We pay high taxes and then they charge you all over again for all kinds of fees.

  11. Every business that participated should be sent a bill to replace all this horrendous damage. Right Larry? Then next year, we make them put down a deposit if they want to participate. That's the spirit, make 'em pay if they want to play.

  12. Yea, make the businesses pay if they want to participate in the Taste of Amherst! That'll teach em for trying to make a buck off all the town's people. Who do they think they are trying to make a profit in our town!!

  13. Safe bet they paid an entry fee to be a part of the Taste of Amherst.

  14. Safe bet that an actual reporter would make a phone call to check the fact, rather than making bets about it.

  15. When it's even remotely important I do.

    Although I've mentioned many times I treat Comments far differently than I do the actual post.

  16. If they paid an entry fee to be part of the Taste, then presumably any repairs to the common would come from that fee. What is the issue here?

  17. Because they did not pay it to the town. The Taste, Extravaganja and the town Fair are all private events.

  18. At the end of the day the common always ends up looking just fine. It's been resilient to incredible wear and tear for all the years I've seen it used and will survive this just fine.

  19. "Yeah, they also put up and take down the commemorative flags which are still up from Flag Day."

    Why remind them?
    (In September a late removal could get you your wish!)

    I loved the fact that immediately after the Halloween storm (with trees down all over town)- they (tree dept) were hanging a banner at The Common (priorities!)

  20. Good point. They did come yesterday afternoon. Bummer.

  21. The town provides paved parking in the downtown and overall tax dollars pays for its upkeep. But if you park in the downtown, you pay for it (one way or the other).

    Maybe the town should let residents park for free then, and jack the price up to $1.00/hour for everyone else.
