Friday, May 24, 2013

Who Ya Gonna Call?

 AFD Ladder 1 to the rescue

AFD assists the DPW replacing main cord to town flagpole this morning.  Big flag was blown down in the thunderstorm two nights ago.  Cord was 15 years old and due for replacement.  Flag will go back up later today, in plenty of time for Memorial Day observance on Monday.

 Saturday morning


  1. how much did this cost the taxpayers?

  2. Really? The DPW is a private org? The AFD is a private org? Who paid for the rope, too?

  3. I hear next week they are using the tower ladder to help some of the area churches re-roof, and to paint steeples. Why spend church money when you can have the town do everything at taxpayers expense. :)

  4. At least I know you're kidding Walter; the curmudgeon CAN that preceded you however ...

  5. I cannot speak to the actual cost to the AFD, but it is safe to say the cost was essentially zero. Countless hours are spent operating these vehicles in non-emergent situations for the sake of training and maintenance. 15 minutes spent replacing a rope on a flag pole can easily be included in one of these activities.

    There are 45 career firefighters and numerous volunteer firefighters who must be trained and remain proficient in the operation of fire department vehicles. The ladder truck is one of the most difficult vehicles to remain proficient at.

    Fire Department vehicles are used for training on a daily basis. In most cases, the training is based on imagined scenarios or scenarios modeled after previous situations. Using the ladder truck for an operation like this gives crews an opportunity to maneuver the vehicle in a scenario that may present different challenges than their normal training.

    Daily and weekly maintenance also requires these vehicles to be run through their paces constantly.

    So to answer your question, Anon 12:53, this cost the Fire Department nothing because the crew would likely have been training anyway. The only difference is that 99% of training takes place out of the public eye.

  6. Since you have to run the trucks through their paces anyway, would you please come over and trim my tree?

    Is there some kind of an application process for the free equipment and labor? Who chooses and who gets chosen?

  7. The only difference is that 99% of training takes place out of the public eye.

    Is the public invited to attend the 99% of training exercises that take place out of the public eye? Is there a way to find out what the AFD will be training at, and a schedule?
