Monday, May 13, 2013

Party House of the Weekend

10 Tyler Place, Amherst

This past weekend, the last until September with our little college town filled by more than a majority of college aged youth, was relatively less rowdy than usual:  No arrests made for noise or nuisance activity, although seven locations drew $300 noise violation tickets, a few motor vehicles accidents on graduation day, a couple DUIs and two bold Breaking & Entering incidents less than 24 hours and three miles apart. (Not counting another in nearby Hadley.)

 Even though no arrests were made, 10 Tyler Place, managed by Eagle Crest Property Management naturally, is the hands down Party House winner.

Police were called near midnight Saturday for noise and found a live band as the source.  (The house had  one previous noise warning on April 28th.)

 After issuing a verbal warning they were called back less than a half hour later and issued five $300 "noise" tickets, presumably one to each tenant. 

Yes, five is one too many for Amherst's unrelated housemates bylaw.  

In addition to this bounty of ticket revenues, Amherst will also be receiving fine money from 42 Harris Street, 71 Eames Ave, 694 Main Street, 328 Linclon Avenue, Townhouse #72, and 407 North Pleasant Street.


  1. Is the money collected for these fines earmarked for anything or does the money just go into a general fund? These fines should be coupled with community service and the fines could be used to supply orange jump suits, a police detail, plastic bags ....... for Saturday and Sunday clean ups.....

    I bet that would up the civility quotient !

  2. Yes, the fines come back to the General Fund rather than staying within the PD budget.

    For FY14 (starts July 1) APD has projected $155,000 in court fines coming in.

  3. Just enough money to pay the school superintendent!

  4. That's already been budgeted in for next year Mr. Graff.

  5. I live at 10 Tyler Place. First: there are two units with a total of nine people in the house. Second: the first violation was called in for the band. Less than twenty minutes later, a second violation was called in for people on the roof in the upstairs unit. The violations were separate from each other, with the second occurring while the downstairs unit was in the process (after having been told from the first responding officer to only quiet down, and not kick people out) of removing people from the the premises. The citations were handed out after officers responded to the second violation, and very shortly before the party was broken up.
    My point is, the violations occurred between two separate units in the same house- the parties were unrelated, and an unfortunate series of miscommunications led to the citations. The members of the household apologize to the community and accept the citations, HOWEVER this article is a gross misrepresentation of the events that occurred.

  6. Larry you are a big loser!! Why don't you just move out of Amherst??
