Thursday, May 30, 2013

Let's Do The Time Warp

"Portal" in Kendrick Park

The town is trying to raise the last $3,000 necessary to buy this $10,000 piece of art that has been located in Kendrick Park for three years now.  The "Portal" is a symbolic entryway connecting downtown Amherst to our number one employer, UMass Amherst.  

Kind of what the "Gateway Project" would have been.  Only smaller.


  1. What are the methods in which the town is trying to raise money to buy this, kindly put, scrap metal?

  2. I guess town gown relations are a bit rusty.

  3. I think they're requesting donations made out to Amherst Public Art and sent to the Jones Library. And they would like it by June 30.

  4. By the way, nice Rocky Horror reference. Could it be that LK is hipper than we think??

  5. I swear I saw him at a midnight screening once dressed as Dr. Frank N. Furter.

  6. How about they raise money to repave the end of Station road that connects Amherst to Belchertown instead?

  7. It's ugly. Let whoever owns it take it back. What a total waste of money.

  8. Have the artist donate this ?, to be placed next to the clothes pin located on the Umass campus, might be able to catch trash that blows by.

  9. I hope they can't raise the money. This "sculpture" is really ugly. I understand that every person views art differently, but I have yet to hear of anyone who has seen that and say how much they really like it.
    There are so many other pieces of art that would look nice in that same spot.

  10. I think I found that '72 chevy leaf spring I was looking for. I wonder what they want for it?

  11. Anon 8:25 AM, just make sure you get your tetanus shot first.

  12. Kendrick Park would be a great sculpture park. Some benches, public art, a place to throw a disc, sell some produce and Christmas trees. No study needed to do it just a park for the people.

  13. I think the study has already been done. They did agree to keep most of it open.

  14. Can't they melt this down and sell it for scrap to finance the right of refusal purchase?

  15. The Public Arts Commission is trying to raise the money. The "Town" as in Town government really has nothing to do with it except for approving the placement.

    And you all have fulfilled the promise of art which is to inspire and get a reaction from people.

    Look at how many people think the Getty Museum in NYC is ugly.

  16. Yes, and I wrote a poem no one liked, so my poem is a lot like Italian Rococo architecture.

  17. It costs nothing to inspire and get a reaction from people...for example, the blog you're reading right now.

    And this sculpture is not inspirational, you could go the grad sculpture studios at UMass and see work that is amazing and inspirational. It wasn't a good sketch and the artist should have scrapped the plan to spend $10,000 worth of his time executing it.

  18. Can you imagine a professionl art buyer for a private institution even considering spending $10,000 on this?

  19. Let's put this one in Kendrick Park:

    or this one:

  20. Ha ha ha ha ha! Those are just creepy. (And I don't think they would weather well.)

  21. Well its about time. It is so important that significant works of contemporary art become a permanent part of our daily experiences. Instead of all the usual commercial, mass produced "art" that too often defines us. The placement of this thing represents vital and improved thinking; whether you like the piece or not. Go Amherst
