Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Facebook Fan


  1. I take all death threats seriously. I take a screenshot and send a copy to the local police and the FBI/State Police. I also notify Google or, in this case, Facebook in a similar fashion.

    This kind of behavior should be discouraged.

  2. Though I think it's a totally bone-headed comment to make, I don't think that was the poster's intention. He was just saying that people will be "dancing on the grave."

  3. I have at least one Troll who will piss on it.

  4. Only if it's on fire, LK. I owe you that much for the entertainment you provide.

  5. And as readers can clearly see, a persistent Troll.

  6. God would be ashamed? Didn't realize the omnipotent being suffered such lowly human feelings as shame.

    Can't really have the god thing both ways.

    Either God allowed us free will to make our own decisions, and screw up with no end in sight, or s/he owes us some answers as to why so much bad sh*t happens.

  7. If merely quoting Exodus 22.2 can freak people out, this is definitely several bridges too far, even if I don't think it is an overt threat.

    If this is the same individual who was sending the bizarre comments you didn't post, and if the person works for the school district (as you implied) then you definitely need to act.

    You need to dump this on Maria G's lap. After all, she has a CAGS in School Counseling....

    On a more serious note, while I don't know if Chapter 51A itself applies, if you have reason to be concerned about an individual who has contact with small children, you have an ethical obligation to bring it to the attention of the proper person, who would be Maria G who then becomes professionally (if not legally) obligated to look into it.

    I'd print everything out and dump it on her desk. Let her earn her money...

  8. No, this Facebook nitwit (who used a direct message) is not the same as my incessant Blog Troll who works for ARPS.

    But he did make the major mistake of saying he asked Maria Geryk whether she knew Walter or not.

    So if that is true, she certainly would remember who he is.

  9. If you ask me to leave, I'll leave.

    Of course, you must remember, that everything I say is a lie.

  10. Larry, Maria G only remembers things that are beneficial to Maria G. So she kinda, umm, isn't going to ever really remember exactly whom it might have been who inquired about Walter.

    Think Obama and the IRS mess. In a world where she can get away with this.

  11. Think Obama and the IRS mess.

    huh, i was going to go with reagan and the iran contra affair.

  12. Sorry. That's my bad ear. I can't hear you.

  13. reagan and the iran contra affair

    Maria G has Alzheimers?


    ponedyi much
