Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Dangerous View

 407 North Pleasant Street, owned by Gamma Inc Alpha Tau 

Early this morning (1:51 AM) a college aged male under the influence of alcohol, otherwise known as ETOH, tumbled off the roof of a house located on a hill at 407 North Pleasant Street.

His injuries, although not life threatening, were serious enough for AFD to transport all the way to Baystate Medical Center Trauma unit in Springfield rather than the Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton.  

If you can believe Reddit


Dueling iPhones:

On May 8, 2013, at 2:45 PM, James Edward Mulcahy <> wrote:

Mr. Kelley,
Please send me your phone number.
Thank you, James E. Mulcahy, advisor to Alpha Tau Gamma

Sent from my iPhone

From: Larry Kelley
To: James Edward Mulcahy
Sent: Wed, May 8, 2013 3:46 pm
Subject: Re: phone number

If you're going to threaten me I would prefer you do it
in writing.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. what time did this happen? was it 1am "early this morning" or 9am "early this morning?"

  2. I:30ish. One of my sources said they were so very busy last night into early morning it's hard to keep track.

  3. I see this as instant karma and a fine day at school. This young person is learning a lot at college, though it may not be what he and his parents thought they were paying for.

    Life teaches us all the time. Sometimes, a tragic death is the lesson. Guess that's not what we're learning this time.

    Wonder if this kid will need to keep learning this lesson?

    Then again, the expression, "He wouldn't know the taste of Sh*t if he had a mouthful" comes from somewhere. Maybe junior is cut from that cloth?

    Is this the herd thinning itself? Afterall, I would much rather the dumbass fall off a roof than hit an innocent person with his car.

  4. first of all, this house is OWNED by alpha tau gamma corperation, the students do not live in this house. You and your inconsiderate blogging need to relax and stop being such antagonists towards greek life and the student body in general. I would like to see you post a blog about how the alpha tau gamma fraternity has helped local neighbors like myself and the local police departments with the things they are good at such as landscaping. Myself and others have always been in contact with them and they are great people with great knowledge. About your previous post at the fraternity with the annual event a few saturdays ago, you forgot to mention how that was an event to help donate to the Amherst police department and to the Boston police department. In the future, you should get your facts straight and dont be so nosey about others business and start rumors of ridiculous stories just because you have nothing better to do with your time. More than half of the Amherst revenue comes from the college students and if they weren't around, these local companies would never survive. If you dont like it, leave the area. Thank you

  5. Rumors? It's all a matter of public record.

  6. What about: "I can't help but wonder if an angry NIMBY started the fire in the woods of Cushman..."

    That's not starting a rumour, is it? Based on Public Records?

    Want more examples?

  7. I never said that.

    Therefore use of quotation marks is dead wrong.

  8. You are right. You said something substantially different. You said:

    First responders thought it was human activity that caused the fire, as in a party bonfire. But now I wonder:

    Would someone take this hot button issue to an extreme, fighting fire with fire?

    Just wonderin', huh Larry?

  9. That question posed in an article entitled "Nasty NIMBYS".

    I think more than one blogger regrets getting in on THAT conversation!

  10. "It's certainly one thing to mount a protest campaign...but another thing altogether to deviate into criminal activity."

    Technically correct and of course no inference or connection to NIMBY and those against the "Retreat" intended.

    1.)"Last week someone defaced a wall in the bathrooms at Cowls Building Supply..."

    2.)"Also last week members of the Save Historic Cushman group filed a complaint with state and local authorities over logging practices at the forest off Henry Street..."

    "And since bad things often comes in three's including the mean barb..."

    IF that indeed happened THAT way I'm sure its very different than the "mean barbs" slung here.

    3.)"Also on Saturday afternoon AFD responded to a brush fire along the cleared area just above Henry Street. Would someone take this hot button issue to an extreme."

    Again, no inference or rumor mongering intended...

  11. Easthampton TransientMay 8, 2013 at 3:59 PM

    So this kids thesis can be "Even fueled with high octane alcohol students still can't fly" Party on UMass!!

  12. What a vulgar and ugly thing to say about someone's child.

    Welcome (not) to Amherst, Easthampton Transient.

  13. They don't teach gravity at UMass? It's all Greek to me...

  14. This is the agricultural fraternity. Clearly they were teaching members about taking soil samples. Or was that eating dirt.

  15. Thats NOT a frat-house and is not associated with greek affairs. It's only owned by ATG. Do not cite public record and FAIL to do your own research. Why not call UMass Greek Affairs to confirm if it is an operating Frat or Sorority? Because the facts would not support your crusade.

    It was certainly a drunken decision but to make the thin attempt to link ATG to it is irresponsible. The quality of your blog is starting to suffer. Instead of bringing facts to light you are bending facts to suit your cause.

    Someone from ATG reaches out to you = a threat? C'mon man.

  16. ^ I agree 100%

    Get your facts straight..and stop trying to give Greeks a bad look.

    They've started a new street clean up Campaign this year where is that in your about 23k fund raised for Relay for Life?

    Bring your concerns to the town of Amherst.

  17. If you're going to threaten me I would prefer you do it
    in writing.
    man, no you're just an overgrown kid... you are one paranoid, dude no i mean idiot....the man is an advisor and just probably wants to educate you.have a civilized conversation with...but then again you are so smart and know it all..... the best thing is the fire department isn't giving you the person's name otherwise you probably would post it...the great thing about you is that you are perfect and have never done anything foolish or hurtful in your life....reading your blog is one step below the national inquirer....but hey i am sure you will come back with some witty immature predictable...

  18. Actually I did not ask the Chief for his name.

    I would have if he died.

  19. I love how when Ed gets called out on his weird sexual violence posts he disappears from the blog for a few days, hoping the revelatory comments get buried under a few electronic pages of junk, so he can crawl back out from under his rock in a day or two and continue as if nothing happened.

  20. Anon 5:55PM this is not vulgar it's a reality here in Amherst. When will people here face it, Alcohol and rooftops don't mix. Oh, that's right it's part of the college experience LOL! And I hate to break it to you but if we keep treating them like children they will rise to those expectations. They are young impressionable adults, and there are a few misguided one's in the bunch that will continue to act like this, as long as you keep breast feeding them. If it were my "child" I'd first make sure they were going to be OK then ask them what the "F" they were thinking.

  21. Roofs in a college town = natural selection.

    However, it's obvious Mr. Kelley is perfect. He makes no mistakes. He knows a threat when he sees it. What other reason would someone have to try and contact Mr. Kelley away from media attention?
    I'm just curious what the threat was Mr. Kelley. If he threatened your mustache, I would be willing to start a fundraiser campaign to provide proper security for your beautiful 'stache.

    For any greek life or umass student reading this, I encourage you to continue doing your thing. Provide Mr. Kelley a reason to blog about your learning experiences through 'verified' facts. He needs this more than you know!

  22. And in today's paper we read about another student who thought it would be a good idea to get drunk and then ride his bike on the roof.

    Apparently these young booze hounds are out to disprove Newton's observations of gravity.

    How's that going fellas? When will your bones be healed enough to turn in that lab report on this experiment?

    p.s. to anon 5:55: everyone is someone's child. And some of these kids don't have the brains they were born with. When you make an idiot out of yourself publicly, expect the public to say, "hey look at that idiot.!"

    Or we could take this approach: "Oh, that poor drunk kid. Why did the world force him to drink, get up on the roof and fall off.

    Bad world! Bad, bad, bad world! Go to your room, world. Junior, come here and have a drink to settle your nerves after that nasty world pushed you of the roof."

  23. Actually that is the same incident.

    My bricks and mortar friends are just now catching up with the story.

  24. 20 y.o. boys by definition are idiots, you can spend your days calling them such when they prove it, if you wish, I suppose, anon. 3:50pm. I just happen to be of the opinion that calling them such doesn't change anything, it is simply sport for you. Have fun wasting your time.

  25. My bricks and mortar friends are just now catching up with the story.

    As are their readers who are gripped by the news you broke.

  26. Actually it was one of my Amons who listens to the scanner more than I, who broke it (as it was happening).

  27. hey larry, why dont you do something useful with your life. just because you werent a "popular kid" in college, doesnt mean you can get mad at these young students for having fun

  28. Yeah, when I went to UMass I always aspired to falling off a roof or passing out on the street, hitting my head on the curb ... and dying.

  29. None of these students "aspired" to do such things.

  30. You need a "like" and "FREAKIN' LOVE" button on your comments. The Easthampton dude's comment is a riot.

  31. I love how when Ed gets called out on his weird sexual violence posts he disappears from the blog for a few days

    And Ed loves the bizarre concept that reality is whatever the gifted one defines it as being. The gifted one has gone from making a totally unfounded (and rather weird) attack on my character to considering it universal truth.

    And then the gifted one -- who apparently doesn't have a life -- forgets that Ed actually does, that there are more important things in my life than this blog and that sometimes I am doing them.


  32. Ed, did you really take a three day break from posting on the blogs just to say that?

    Ed, my boy, we all know your m.o. by now...

    It's the same thing you did last time someone noted the pattern.

  33. Ed, now that I know your back, the catalog is on it's way...

  34. Cowardly Anonymous TrollMay 11, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    ...a totally unfounded (and rather weird) attack on my character...

    No, I simply made an objective observation about the number of times you, unprovoked, go way off topic and bring up hypothetical, violent sexual situations, and that you often even go into explicit detail. And I also noted that when someone made a comment some time back that you would be the type to snipe from the library, you posted the impassioned comment that the person whose mind those thoughts entered is the most likely to commit such acts. "Rather weird" is right.

  35. Larry get your facts straight. This kid was training for the cycling portion of a triathlon when he fell.
