Monday, April 8, 2013

Vote Early, Vote Often

I actually like my borrowed tagline better than the one the League of Women Voters came up with for these lawnsigns.  My 11-year-old daughter was confused by them; when I explained their purpose she replied, "That's kinda dumb."

And the fiscal conservative in me would have avoided printing the exact date so that they could be reusable.  Amherst's tagline used to be "Recycling works for Amherst," although that has been replaced by "Open Government To The Max".

Well ... except when engaging in secret meetings with UMass about matters of great public concern.

As I posted earlier, this particular local annual town election tomorrow will be a snoozer.  Even if every voter violated the law and voted twice, the turnout would still be pathetic.

Town website today, and reverse 911 call from Town Manger will not help much

But I do, however, have one endorsement ... only it concerns Hadley, Amherst's original Mother who wisely jettisoned us 254 years ago.

 Guilford Mooring, Amherst DPW Director

Guilford Mooring for Selectman.  Yes, in Hadley they still call it "Board of Selectmen".

I have known Guilford Mooring since he became Amherst DPW director in 2002, and if I had to pick the most popular employee in town (even with curmudgeons in Amherst Town Meeting) it would be him.

Guilford runs a tight ship fiscally, makes the trucks run on time, and has a sense of humor -- much needed in this town.

Plus he's a proud veteran, which probably plays far better in Hadley than it would in Amherst.  And he's a great neighbor. 


  1. Mooring was a great neighbor until he bailed out of Amherst and moved to Hadley....

  2. The DPW "barn" is located directly across from my house, so I think of them as "neighbors".

  3. That's classic, Mooring lives in Hadley. He's smart. If lives there I'm moving. That's testimony enough for me. I've had enough of this $@#*.

    It's also classic that Amherst promised an open government but isn't delivering. It's true that it involves the colleges and is at the UMass police station, but they promised open government until they were blue, and this is what we get.

    I would agree that Mooring is a good egg. I took up issues like stop lights, and street issues, and he ALWAYS responded.

  4. The Library InterpreterApril 8, 2013 at 6:43 PM

    Times have been good for the library. Carol Gray is a distant, unpleasant memory. However, there is danger of a comeback because there is an open seat.

    Please WRITE IN Jonathan McCabe for Library Trustee. Let's keep the library as the haven for good sense.

  5. I thought our town's phone message system was for emergencies???
    I ignored the call (after identifying it as "Amherst Calling" I then checked out the front page of town website for news of an impending weather disaster or other emergency- saw the topic and promptly deleted the voicemail message.

