Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Morning After ...

166 College Street, Amherst

166 College Street, parking

263 College Street, Amherst

26 Allen Street, Amherst

45 Phillips Street, Amherst

27/29 Phillips Street, Amherst

19/21 Hobart Lane, Amherst


  1. I remember my college days. The fun!
    I just did a recruitment video for a college in NY and spent three days on campus. Boy did it make me want to go to college again. If only they knew this was the last time in their lives they'd ever have no responsibility and no worries...

  2. Yeah, especially that basic civil responsibility of picking up after oneself.

  3. Whats the point? Were there any violations at these locations last night? Are you now the neatness police? Will the town be handing out neatness violations now?

  4. Actually six bad boys were arrested at 62 Summer Street (a repeat offender) and yes, possibly one of these College Street locations busted as well.

    But I have to save something for tomorrow's "Party House of the Weekend".

  5. So probably no one from pictured houses was arrested or cited. You really are carrying this obsession of yours a tad too far.

  6. The point is they have been cited at some time in the not too distant past.

    Don't like my "obsession"? Point your browser elsewhere.

  7. Yea. Don't agree with me? Go away. Cuz we all know that blogs are more interesting when everyone agrees with each other.

  8. Larry,

    The fact that Anon 10:56 a.m. is upset is probably a good thing. It tells us that there is actually some shame about this.

    Thank you for taking these pictures.

    Rich Morse

  9. If only I got up and out an hour or so earlier ...

    When I was taking these shots I saw two individuals who must have set out at the crack of dawn, scouring the areas picking up cans and bottles for their deposit value.

    And their garbage bags looked pretty full.

  10. This is anon 1056 and I am neither upset or ashamed. I am 60 years old and I do not live in any of those houses. I just think Larry has taken this obsession a tad too far.

  11. Safe to say you do not live next door to any of those houses either.

  12. When ya goin to print something about the fraternities and soroties going around and cleaning up some of this? Oh, doesn't fit in with your narrative of bad bad college kids?

  13. If only they knew this was the last time in their lives they'd ever have no responsibility and no worries...

    Walter, I don't know about your college days, but mine -- both undergrad and grad -- had far more worries than not. College is the only time when (IF you are a responsible adult) you have absolutely no safety net -- no union contract, no investment in community goodwill, no government/welfare programs, nothing to fall back on if you fail or stumble.

    Even the pressure-cooker of DC is mild by comparison.

    And speaking of pressure cookers -- and Larry, this is a serious question deserving a serious answer -- had Dzhokhar Tsarnaev been a UM-A student instead of a UM-D student, would you or would you not have been calling for Enku to bring him up on Code of Conduct charges?

    Even if the FBI requested UM not do it, would you still be insisting they should? And why? And if not, how to justify that in light of everything else?

  14. I think federal law supersedes UMass law. And I'm fine with that.

  15. I think federal law supersedes UMass law

    Really now?

    46 USC 1983 is a Federal Law, and I have been raising that issue for some time -- so how is this extreme example any different?

    OTOH, I am at a loss to think of what "Federal Statute" (aka "law") requires a state or state subdivision to cooperate with the FBI and/or to honor a voluntary request made by the FBI. I seem to remember a whole lot of states in the South doing neither during the Civil Rights era.

    Come to think of it, I seem to remember the MSP sorta doing the same when they started to have what wound up being quite accurate suspicions about the Boston FBI office in the Bulger era.

    But Federal Law (but not the US Constitution, nor the MA Constitution, nor the General Statutes) supersedes UMass "law." How very interesting -- and the town (and its individual police officers personally) are the ones who will eventually be on the receiving end of one humungous class-action lawsuit for CORI violations.

    The CORI law says that the APD can't do things it is doing. They wrote a memo saying they can't. When I called them and asked, the answer was a blunt "no, they can't do that." And yet the APD still is doing it. Well, eventually, someone is going to drive out from Boston and.....

  16. Oh, I can tell you from experience APD is pretty attentive to the sanctity of CORI.

  17. Oh, I can tell you from experience APD is pretty attentive to the sanctity of CORI.

    Drop a public records request on the UM Dean of Students' Office for the memo that the CORI folk wrote relative to "BD's" complaint -- I know his full name, as do they, but as it was redacted I will do it here.

    You want CORI's memo to UMass (which I seem to remember being 3 pages or so), and the 2 page (or so) general memo which they both referenced in that response and included.

    The latter is the key one, it says what the APD may not do. Which, Larry, they ARE doing....

    Now I'm saving this for my book (and yes, I already made this request, and it is in my files (somewhere) but I am not subject to a Sunshine request), and you can get your own copy -- or not.

    If you do, if you read it carefully, you will find it very very very interesting. As, reportedly, have at least a couple APD officers who quietly are wondering why they "haven't been sued yet."

  18. "When I was taking these shots I saw two individuals who must have set out at the crack of dawn, scouring the areas picking up cans and bottles for their deposit value.

    And their garbage bags looked pretty full."

    So, even you have to admit that people were picking things up.

  19. Well, they were both senior citizens so probably not associated with the ones who made the mess.

  20. Such lovely homes.

    And Larry, please do note that in your oddly crooked shot of 27/29 Phillips, the cups are NEATLY ARRANGED on the tabletop. Someone cares.

  21. That was my Titanic twenty minutes after she hit the iceberg look, darn it. Listing, not crooked.

  22. The man went out bright and early and took pictures this morning and you call that a "narrative"?????

    There's some distortion involved with that?

    You need to work on your debating skills.

  23. "And Larry, please do note that in your oddly crooked shot of 27/29 Phillips, the cups are NEATLY ARRANGED on the tabletop. Someone cares."
    Seriously? Looks like the remnants to beer pong to me.
