Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Long May She Wave

American flag, Town flag, UN flag

Yes the town that refuses to fly commemorative American flags in the downtown (well, four out of every five years anyway) to commemorate and remember the slaughter of 9/11 now has a flag of their own, which presumably will fly from the Town Hall turret this coming 9/11. 

Although I'm a tad concerned about security.  


  1. And the American Flag will also fly from the town turret on 9/11.

  2. Indeed.

    And I'm one of the few people who know the flag is one of the original commemorative flags that flew on THAT morning.

  3. Will burning the Amherst flag have the same protections as burning the US flag? Inquiring minds want to know...

  4. Every Amherst flag you burn means that two more people are hired in Amherst government at $100k+. So be careful.

  5. I'm not worried about anyone burning it.

    But because it's unique, like street signs (notice Hobart Lane is missing), it would make a tempting conversation piece, dorm room ornament.

  6. And what value does your knowledge of that flag have? Do you think that makes you more aware of those events, and that others don't remember that?

    That would be very arrogant.

  7. But Walter, if they hire *enough* people at $100K each, the whole bottom will fall out of the charade just like the DDR.

    (East Germany for those of you not old enough to remember 1989 -- and I will never forget sitting (actually in the exact chair I am now) watching the noon news and the network cutover to some German bureaucrat and suddenly "holy shite, did he just say what I think he just said?!?!" -- and he had.)

    There had always been a Berlin Wall and I thought there always would be -- much like people think there always will be an Amherst.

    If the bottom falls out of Amherst, it will, well, change things a bit, won't it?

  8. imindueHope that Amherst flag is no bigger or hangs higher than the American flag. If so than it violates the flag code of the US.

  9. The great Amherst flag………still modeled after the Town Seal, “The Book and Plow”. Town government and residents are stuck in nostalgia. In case nobody’s looking, I think the local farming industry is just about gone. What is and has become more popular is alcohol for consumption! We have lots of establishments that sell alcohol to consume on the premises or put in a bag to consume somewhere else. Must be a very big industry; more so than the farming community. Maybe the flag should have represented something like “The Book and the Bottle”! Unfortunately that would bring people back to the real reality of this town.

  10. walter needs strict, well-regulated policy. and he needs a man to be in charge.
