Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fireground: Orchard Street Northampton

The wind was on the side of the fire

Ladder Trucks were on scene, but firefighters used regular ladders in their attack

Yet another ladder. Fortunately no injuries

Firefighter using chainsaw to vent roof 

Smoke and water

AFD Chief Tim Nelson was on the scene with Engine 1

AFD Engine 1 on the scene

Frantic next door neighbor reunited with her dog via DPW workers

 Greenfield FD came to help  


  1. Older building. Very tough job for the crews. Hope everyone keeps safe

  2. Still chasing fire trucks. If you only applied yourself when you were young, you might have had a carrer with some satisfaction in life, like a fireman. Instead of the bitter little nobody you have become. Don't worry about not being a cop, they don't give nut-jobs like you a gun.

  3. Actually I don't need a gun. Try me sometime.

    Oh sorry, I forgot you were a Cowardly Anon Nitwit.
