Friday, March 15, 2013

Our Next US Senator Comes A Calling

Curt Shumway, owner of the Marriott Hotel talking to Dan Winslow on right/center

Good crowd turned out to welcome Winslow back to the Happy Valley

Dan Winslow center:   Hard to miss in a green tie

The Republican Reports


  1. Steve Lynch is more of a Republican than this RINO.

  2. Bet you would say the same about Scott Brown.

  3. No way this guy will be our next senator.

  4. Pro-abortion, so I'm anti-Winslow.

  5. Abortion is murder.

    We all freaked out when that girl at UMass threw her newborn baby into the trash to die -- but she could have killed the baby via abortion a few months earlier -- and that would have been legal.

    And what exactly would have been the difference?

  6. Hey Larry, why are people in Maine hearing about a wild off-campus UM party last night with 2000 students involved but we aren't seeing anything here?

    Apparently this was an early St. Pats party and *not* the one last weekend, but the usual Thursday one.

  7. I think news travels slow in Maine.

  8. Winslow is progressive on social issues, conservative on fiscal issues and an idea man that focuses more on ideas the good ones.

  9. Winslow would probably be a decent senator but we'll never find out. The fix is certainly in for Markey, that guy who's lived in Maryland for 30 years.

    Wait, Malden. He lives in Malden. Yeah. Malden.

  10. The fix was also in for Martha Coakley, and look how well that turned out.

  11. We may not have a chance to see if Dan Winslow can win Amherst if he can't beat Michael Sullivan and Gabriele Gomez.

    Sullivan is a former state rep, a former US Attorney and a former ATF Director under Bush.

    Gomez is a former navy seal who sent the Harvard Business school and made 8 million in 4 years in private equity.

    If Winslow wins the Republican primary, we'll get to see how he does against Ed Markey, who is a good fit for Massachusetts politics.

  12. Well, Dan's a native of Amherst, er Norfolk, er Amherst, depending on which town he's in.

  13. I like Dan because he doesn't shy away from issues, is eager to engage with anyone, and never has a negative word to say to, or about, those with whom he disagrees. A superb, hard-working civil servant with broad vision and solid, practical plans.

    Dan's an Amherst hero who will get it done if the voters give him the chance.

  14. To paraphrase Harry Truman, Dan's problem is that when you give the voters a choice between a Democrat and a Democrat, they will vote for the Democrat every time.

    Dan's a Democrat -- Steve Lynch is more of a Republican than he is -- and I'd rather have the Dems have that seat than have yet another RINO sandbagging me at every turn.
