Friday, March 29, 2013

Frisky Friday

500 Sunderland Road, Amherst (just barely)

Late Friday night around 11:45 PM,  Police were called to 500 Sunderland Road, almost at the Sunderland border, to break up a huge party, sending a stream of kids -- like a zombie herd -- staggering back to UMass via busy Rt 116.

One college aged youth was arrested for "failure to disperse" and a $300 "Nuisance House" ticket issued to the responsible tenant. Obviously neither of these kids read the memo from UMass Nanny -- I mean Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs -- Jean Kim.


And it's still early yet!

800 North Pleasant Street (Minutes before APD stopped to chat)


  1. Pull their permit. Drive the landlord into bankruptcy.

  2. I don't think anybody would shed a tear for the owner of 45 Phillips, Stephen Gharabegian.

  3. who are they disturbing on a friday afternoon?

  4. I believe the Blarney Blowout riot at Townhouse apartments started out like this.

    1. Saying that you hold a greater opinion on what happens in this town than students who pay to live here is discrimination.

  5. These kids pay to live at this property much like you do and are in no violation of laws or their lease agreements. Your argument holds no merit

  6. you sir picked the wrong town to live in you miserable old coot. these academics know how to get turnt

    1. agreed! mr. Kelley chooses to waste the latter years of his life attempting to squander the enjoyment of attending the fine university of Massachusetts. you keep on keeping on mr Kelley but the students know their rights as citizens and will adhere to them while still enjoying themselves

  7. Oh, I'm pretty sure there's something in the lease saying to abide by all local and state laws.

    So the violations would be public drinking (called "open container") and public endangerment by being on the roof.

    Also parking cars on the lawn is now a violation of zoning bylaw town wide.

  8. well in the circumstance that laws were being broken, if the police were alerted of the situation, by an upstanding citizen with no personal vendettas against the towns youth, they would disperse the gathering immediately and punish those responsible for such outlandish expressions

  9. God I hope you are not a Journo major.

  10. "public drinking"? On their own property? Get a life Mr Kelley

  11. IANAL, but I think that "open container" applies to motor vehicle laws; "public drinking" wouldn't apply on private property (or even semi-public, like at athletic events, concerts, etc.). Also, see 1971 state law decriminalizing public drunkenness. Not sure what "public endangerment" would be, or if Amherst has a law; pretty sure Massachusetts doesn't.

  12. Aww, but at least he's a Legal Studies major (or knows how to Google).

  13. But I do believe the Nitwit holding the sign "You honk we drink" in one hand and a beer in the other is standing in the town's right of way, which extends 30 feet alongside North Pleasant Street.

  14. Better hope that 'nitwit' never has to thread your catheter Larry.

  15. Ya you're right. All these kids should probably die.

  16. Yeah, beer in one hand and a needle in the other. Yikes!

  17. I think you're hitting a nerve Larry. They're reading your blog! These kids are losers. I know lots of people who have graduated from UMass and they are totally embarassed by these kinds of students. They give UMass such a bad name. Very sad.

  18. But Larry, the middle is ceasing to hold. You are really close to forcing the 90%/95% of UM students who are personally embarrassed by this sort of stuff to make a choice.

    If they have to choose a side, it won't be yours, not the way things are right now. What you are doing is forcing them to support schmucks like this because they are treated as if they are anyway.

  19. Oh I don't know, last Fall in town center when I was taking a shot of APD busting some Nitwit one college aged guy starting giving me crap and his girlfriend jumped to my defense.

    She seemed like the Rhodes Scholar type.

  20. I wish there was a price these young assholes could pay for lost hours of sleep, ruined nights and afternoons and therewith associated nervous tension. they'd owe me, a mother of two and a Ph.D. student at the University, thousands of dollars in green cash.

  21. ...and his girlfriend jumped to my defense

    She could have been trying to keep him out of trouble. Women are like that -- the good ones -- and they sometimes will say almost anything to calm things down and keep the man they love from doing something that she thinks will get him into trouble.

  22. If you can believe it, some people flipped the bird at the Mercy House people who were dragging the cross through the center of Town (and reading Bible verses as the carrier rested or changed)on Good Friday. It's a good thing Christians are a forgiving bunch.

  23. Blah, Blah, Blah, and the beat goes on! what does everyone really think is going to dramatically change in Amherst? You can beat all the drums you want it took a long time for the town to develop to what it is today and if it can be changed it will take a different political approach and business plan than the one that is currently in place. UMass is pacifying you Amherst and you don't even see it. They know you don't have the structure, funding or backbone needed to stop them. God speed and good luck you'll need it!
