Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blarney Blowout: Unintended Consequences

McMurphy's Uptown Tavern 9:45 AM

The Select Board last night, sort of, addressed the Public Relations nightmare caused by the "Barney Blowout," one of the more juvenile celebrations hosted in downtown Amherst.

In fact, it used to be called "Kegs 'n Eggs" but came under such criticism two years ago for boorish bad behavior that they simply changed the name rather than the behavior.

Call me a prude or a cranky old reformed drunk, but I have serious problems with a downtown public promotion that encourages heavy drinking before noon.

Especially when that production abuses Irish heritage.


  1. getting out of town for the weekend.

  2. Yeah that is Business Improvement District director Alex Krogh-Grabbe's concern: regular folks would avoid town center that day.

  3. Is the blowout on the 17th?

  4. Well if you watch the Select Board discussion I posted Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe gives them a free plug: Saturday March 9.

  5. Thanks Larry. Could not watch video on my phone.

  6. No problem (vid works on an iPhone).

  7. I'm out of here. Last year was insane. No thanks. What the heck is wrong with this town?? Promoting drinking alcohol in the morning???

    This Selectboard needs their collective heads examined, or pull it out of their derrière. I never quite seen such a dysfunctional, ineffectual, inane bunch of people as the Amherst Selectboard.

    Oh and btw, most business owners still refer to it as Kegs & Eggs.

  8. I'd be happy if we could rid of the noise from the musically challenged steel drummer in downtown Amherst.

    It's so bad that I said to my husband
    I'm not coming downtown until he's gone.

  9. Jan, not to spite you, but I love the drummer downtown! His music is so odd and barely coherent... but I can't imagine town without him. Drunken assholes, however, is something I can imagine town without. Summer's are a blessed respite for the tired and weary, yet persistent residents of Amherst.

  10. They are opening at 11AM. Whats the big deal? Give me a break, Larry, you've got a complaint about everything.

  11. What a bunch of prudes. New Orleans has Bourbon Street and Mardi Gras and the sky hasn't fallen in.

  12. Oh I don't know, Katrina strikes me as the sky falling.

  13. All the more reason to drink!

  14. If a meteor hits downtown Amherst on Saturday morning, it's all your fault.

  15. I'm planning on it.
