Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Run Dan Run!

Representative Dan Winslow R-Norfolk (an Amherst native)

So if ever there was a compassionate conservative in the state of Massachusetts who could take the baton hand off from Scott Brown and set his own blistering pace it would be Dan Winslow.

Yes, amazingly enough, someone born in Amherst that's fiscally conservative, with a profound respect for bedrock family values -- including the American flag.

Back in the dark days of 2001 Dan, as council to Governor Romney, was sympathetically helpful to me in my crusade to get Amherst to allow the 29 commemorative flags to fly in the downtown; and just the past September Dan pushed in the state legislature for a bill that would require the state to fly the American flag at half staff to commemorate the in-the-line-of-duty death of a fire fighter or police officer.

And to further align him with ultra-liberal Amherst voters Dan supported the recently passed medical marijuana bill that Amherst  overwhelmingly supported in November by 83%.  Of course Amherst also supported President Obama by the same 83% margin.  Hmm ...

With Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst) now State Senate Majority Leader, a win by Winslow for Senate will really put Amherst on a map no longer ignored by the Powers That Be in Boston.


Statement posted at 10:30 AM on his website:

  “Today I’m taking the necessary steps to form an exploratory committee to test the waters for the U.S. Senate. We need to fix a broken Washington where progress is being hampered by partisan gridlock. If we continue to elect the same Washington politicians, we can not expect different results.”

  “The people of Massachusetts and all Americans deserve solutions from their elected officials. Washington needs to focus on problem solving and implement ideas that will create jobs and grow our economy,” said Winslow


  1. SO EXCITED our HOMETOWN DAN might really do this. He's a direct descendent of MA (Bay Colony??) Governor Winslow so he totally has it in his blood to do this. Plus he was Ev and my babysitter so he's really well trained. :)

  2. And if I'm a direct descendent from Alexander the Great, Frederic the Great, and Catherine the Great ... can I rule the universe? ;-)

  3. It is not only conservatives who love the flag. Last I checked they had not cornered the market on love of country or flag.

    Conservatism is just a different governing philosophy - they are no more or less patriotic than a liberal or progressive. Neither does a conservative represent "American" values any more or less than a progressive.

  4. And I am a direct descendant of Governor Wentworth. So there...

  5. If Progressives were Patriotic, there wouldn't be an issue with having American Flags on the lightposts --the Progressives would be demanding they be there.

    Larry, what was the line on 9-10-01 -- "the flag is red because it was dipped in the blood of indigenous peoples and the white represents white supremacy" -- she said something like that, and I don't recall a whole lot of Progressives stepping up and stating disagreement with her.

    Come to think of it, I don't remember any doing so.

    She said a whole bunch more but I was dumping it to /dev/null as fast as I could so I didn't do something stupid but I do remember something along these lines and I usually don't get that sort of thing wrong. Not if I have actually remembered the words.

  6. Yo Ed,
    You cannot ascribe one person's opinion to a whole group of people. I am a Progressive and I am also VERY patriotic. I love my country and its flag. I just happen to believe in a Progressive governing philosopy. I happen to know many Progressives who have a flag flying in their yard.

    Again, Conservatism is nothing more than a philosophy of governing, just as liberalism or progressism is a philosophy of governing. It is wrong to make generalizations about the people holding one or the other philosophical belief about whether they love their country or not. I do not agree with anything most conservatives say but I do not doubt their love for their country. I just think their ideas are totally skewed.

  7. I don't recall a whole lot of Progressives stepping up and stating disagreement with her.

    Ed, if everyone who ever encountered a moronic statement felt compelled to voice their disagreement by responding to it, your posts on this blog would generate a whole lot more discussion.

  8. "RT @massyrs: Just got the e-mail from Dan Winslow that he will be a Republican candidate for the US Senate!"

    Chop chop Larry.

  9. It would be a proud day for this town, the Commonwealth, and everyone in it, if Dan Winslow becomes our next senator. He has total integrity and enters every conversation with genuine openness to any ideas that bridge the gap and move our state forward. A superior candidate in every respect.

  10. Just got the word from some I know in Washington that Gabriel Gomez is the one and Dan may get some support for a future run for AG, but not this time. The seat's too important.

  11. "Republican State Rep. Daniel Winslow will not sign 'People's Pledge'"

    Just another politician. Won't even sign the pledge that Scott Brown took that kept the outside PAC money out of the last race.

  12. Another rich lawyer that's suddenly allergic to yacht clubs. They all make themselves over into populists until after they get elected.

  13. Danny the hypocrite once again:

    GOP pol blasts yacht club gala, forgets he's been on yacht club board

    We suppose it's fair to call out your fellow politicians when they do hoity-toity things like hold GOP events at a yacht club, especially when your party is trying to appear less "1 percent-y." But the guy to do it probably isn't the guy who's served as a board member ... of a yacht club. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow pointed out the discrepancy after Massachusetts senatorial candidate Daniel Winslow blasted his party for holding a straw poll at the Danversport Yacht Club, declaring, "I am not a tea-and-crumpets Republican."

  14. He's not lying. They eat brie and drink chardonnay on yachts not tea and crumpets.

  15. Sorry, Republicans and Democrats. Flip Sides of the Same Coin. If you really examine Our Presidents policies,not that much different than that of his predecessor,or his,for that matter.

  16. The Flag has a very very special meaning to me personally. It represents the guys in the 3/4 Cav that never came back from where we were all those years ago.
