Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Election Snoozer

Stephanie O'Keeffe Select Board Chair (center), John Coull,her dad, Amherst Redevelopment Authority Chair (ducking), Jada Kelley (cute kid).  Back when elections were (sort of) exciting

With contests in only half the ten town meeting precincts and only one contest for town wide positions, no pocket book Override (fortunately) or Charter change of government (unfortunately) on the ballot, the April 9 annual spring town election promises to be about as exciting as watching snow melt.

When asked what she thought the voter turnout would be, Town Clerk Sandra Burgess responded succinctly: "low."

For the second election in a row, Select Board -- the highest political position in town -- incumbents Alisa Brewer and Jim Wald have no opposition, so their three year term renewal is guaranteed.  (A write in candidate has never beaten a candidate who appears on the ballot in the modern age.)

Moderator Harrison Gregg has retired his gavel after almost 20 years of service and his occasional pinch hitter over the years, Jim Pistrang, will have no opposition for the important position.

Amherst School Committee has two seats up for grabs and three candidates:  Richard Hood (incumbent), Kathleen Traphagen and Amherst College Professor Barry O'Connell.  None of them appear to be even remotely as forthright or controversial as former School Committee member Catherine Sanderson, so the campaign will be a genteel affair.

Some might even argue, boring. 

Although a dozen UMass students in the mix, including SGA President Akshay Kapoor,  could spice things up.  Or not.

 8 candidates for 8 seats (3 of them students)

Rental registration, with a concurrent permit system, will be the most contentious issue on the Town Meeting warrant.  For over a generation Amherst has struggled with too little housing and too many students resulting in high rents, substandard, dangerous slum houses, and distressed neighbors.

The Safe & Health Neighborhood working group will make a recommendation to the Town Manager on rental registration and permits.

Since it will be a General By Law change the measure will only require a majority vote at Town Meeting rather than the super-majority that is required for Zoning articles.

Town Meeting starts May 6.

Most competitive Precinct with 15 candidates for 8 three-year seats

Least competitive precinct (mine)

Always Competitive Precinct 7

 Competitive Precinct 9

Precinct 10


  1. ADo you really think they will pass any bylaw that Amherst will have the power to enforce? They might pass it but by the time the liberal tree hugging majority get done watering it down so as not to offend anyone. It will be just another line in a document stuffed in a already overstuffed, unused bylaw file cabinet. In Amherst we love to go through the motions only to remain motionless

  2. "Do you really think they will pass any bylaw that Amherst will have the power to enforce? They might pass it but by the time the liberal tree hugging majority get done watering it down so as not to offend anyone. It will be just another line in a document stuffed in a already overstuffed, unused bylaw file cabinet. In Amherst we love to go through the motions only to remain motionless"

    Great comment. If I said it, I'd be tarred and feathered. :)

  3. Actually it's kind of a naive, uninformed comment from someone who has not been paying attention to recent events.

    The outcome of the Hobart Lane Gilreath Manor battle, where prestigious local landlord Grandonico Properties was brought into compliance with zoning regulations sent a loud and clear message.

    One that even the deaf should have heard.

  4. To the Class of 2014:
    The starting phases of the Science Center project will have a significant impact on the East campus for the 2013-2014 academic year, and inhibit our ability to provide on-campus housing to every Amherst student. With this reality in mind, the office of Residential Life is pleased to announce a wonderful off-campus housing option exclusive to seniors for the upcoming academic year only. The college has collaborated with local complex, Alpine Commons (http://www.alpinecommons.com/) to offer a select number of 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom units to sixty (60) of our students in good academic & disciplinary standing. Onsite parking is available, with nearby, frequent public transportation into Amherst Center and the five college area.  Accommodations at Alpine Commons will be considered an extension of on-campus housing and will be billed at the same rate as the stated room plan.    
    As an added incentive, the College will offer a special 14-meal plan to those students accepted to live at Alpine Commons.  This plan will allow you to enjoy 14 meals per week at Valentine and will include the new Grab n Go meal option that will be offered at Schwemms later this semester.  This plan will be offered at a discount of $1,000 from the stated board plan rate.
    Given the apartments are 4-person units; we wish to encourage friend groups to live together. Applicants will therefore be asked to submit their name and the names of three friends they wish to live with. Given the select number of spaces available, all interested students will need to apply online for consideration of this option. The application process is:
    • Applicants will log in and provide first & last name, Amherst email address, and the names of three Amherst friends and their Amherst email addresses.
    • NOTE: consult with friend group FIRST; make sure all are in agreement & decide who will make the online submission on behalf of the group
    • Once submitted, all four Amherst students will each receive an email confirmation of the application and a prompt to log in and supply the names & email addresses of two on campus references.
    • NOTE: your references must be Amherst College Faculty or staff with an Amherst email account
    • Once references have been submitted online by each student, the person providing the reference will be automatically notified via email and prompted to log in.
    • NOTE: notify your references in advance so they are prepared to respond quickly
    All interested friend groups of four should submit an online application: (https://www.amherst.edu/campuslife/reslife/housing/commons ) by Friday, March 1, 2013. Off-campus approval will be for the 2013-2014 academic year. All applicants will be notified by no later than Tuesday, March 12, 2013 on the status of their submission. All students who are approved for this off-campus option will be considered “pre-housed” and will NOT participate in the on campus Room Draw selection.
    Once applicants have been selected, a MANDATORY informational meeting will be scheduled before the end of spring term for students living at Alpine Commons for the 2013-2014 academic year.
    Dean Torin Moore
    Director, Residential Life
    Dean Charri Boykin-East
    Interim Dean of Students
    On behalf of the Office of Residential Life
    Converse Hall, Room 105
    Amherst College
    PO Box 5000
    Amherst, MA 01002-5000
    (413) 542-2161 - phone
    (413) 542-8488 - fax
    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:  This e-mail, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information.  Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited.  If you received this e-mail and are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender by e-mail reply and destroy all copies of the original message.

  5. "The outcome of the Hobart Lane Gilreath Manor battle, where prestigious local landlord Grandonico Properties was brought into compliance with zoning regulations sent a loud and clear message."

    What was that Larry? Occasionally they do something to satisfy records and for appearances. I doubt what you speak of is going to flourish into any real change. Andyou are going to see major win shortly by Amherst owners that no enforcement will touch.

  6. They certainly don't sound very confident these days.

  7. Welll welll welll, looook what we have here...

    ~Capn~ R. H. "Crunch" is back...

    Like a dog returning to its vomit.

    Jesus Chrrrrrist Rick.

  8. Here we are again, Walter just saying what he feels like with no info, data, facts to back up anything he says. What an angry blowhard.

  9. I love when they say real change...

  10. It will be interesting to hear what Candidate for School Committee Barry O'Connell has to say.

    Perhaps not half as interesting as he'll think he is, but.....that might be enough.

    Barry will make Catherine and Steve seem like paragons of humility in comparison. But perhaps it takes a big ego to take on a large, bloated, effectively defensive, highly complacent bureaucracy that is completely dismissive of attempts at citizen oversight.

  11. As I look at the candidates for Town Meeting on this go-round, especially the sad crew for Precinct 7, I am reminded of the acronym BANANA.

    If only I could remember what it stands for. I know it starts out: Build Absolutely Nothing....what's
    the rest, Larry?

    Nothing like a new crop doing the same old obstructionism to maintain Town Meeting as the do-nothingest institution in town.

  12. Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything

  13. Regarding the picture at the top:

    Stephanie O'Keeffe demonstrates that competence, intelligence, and dedication to public service is hot.
