Assistant Chiefs McKay and Stromgren, Chief Nelson
Thursday morning the Joint Capital Planning Committee heard a presentation from AFD top brass for capital items needed in the upcoming year to help protect public safety (more on that later).
But first Chief Nelson updated the committee on the l-o-n-g sought new South Fire Station and the breaking news was -- for a change -- good news.
Or for you folks living in South Amherst, very good news.
The Chief reports the "search and acquisition phase" for land is quickly coming to a close, one that will "finally bring this whole thing to fruition." Chief Nelson quickly added, "It almost scares me because it makes too much sense."
While no specific seller was mentioned (or possible donor) since the project is called "South Station" it's for sure going to be located in South Amherst, and the Chief confirmed it woulld be along RT 116/South Pleasant Street within a mile or 1.5 miles of town center.
While AFD Central Station is not quite as old as this 1888 bell, pretty close: 1928
A $10 to $12 million capital request for a new South Station has appeared over the past couple years on five-year-plan spreadsheets brought before the JCPC.
When I ran for Select Board in 1988 my simple platform was to sell the recently acquired municipal Cherry Hill Golf Course and put the proceeds into a new fire station in South Amherst.
The Chief also mentioned to JCPC he found reference to a 1955 consultant's report that called for a new additional station.