Friday, January 25, 2013

Tokyo High

Tokyo Japan, as seen from Tokyo Tower


  1. Wow! How many stories up were you?

  2. 250 meters, or 820 feet, or a little less than half the height of the new Freedom Tower in New York.

  3. About the height of the John Hancock Tower at 60 stories add about 2.

  4. Hard to think that we bombed the living daylights out of that city -- although it was nearly 70 years ago. But there is stuff in Amherst that was there 70 years ago and more (Emily's house comes to mind) and you would never know that they were in a war of attrition so severe that they were making gasoline out of the pine trees on the hillsides.

    Are they still finding unexploded bombs like the Germans are?

  5. The Japanese are nothing if not efficient. The landscape is clean. Very clean.

  6. Resourceful country with hard-working people. It's a beautiful country. I love the old juxtaposed with the new and modern. Thanks for sharing the pix Larry.
