Saturday, January 12, 2013

No Escape

 Equinox crossover with town seal

Since Ford discontinued the more politically correct hybrid Escape the town had to search elsewhere for a new set of wheels.  This crossover Chevy Equinox, with good gas mileage, fit the bill.  Either way, American made cars for our little all American town.

The Equinox looks a lot nicer as well than the more boxy Escape;  and the town seal -- a book and plow -- really radiates off a pristine white background.

Amherst town seal: a book and a plow

Although, the new town flag logo would also look nice.

Amherst Town Flag


  1. Car 2,must be Amy's new vehicle.

  2. Hate to burst your bubble but both Ford and Chevy have billion dollar plants in China and have announced they plan to expand. So the illusion that any of them are american made is just a myth. Granted they probably still have quite a bit of assembly done in the good ole USA but it won't be long before they come fully assembled right off the boat.

  3. Yep, engine more than likely made in China (although American engine is available to), transmission from Japan, and other parts from Mexico and abroad with a few still made here in the US. More than likely all assembled in Canada or Tennessee at one of three plants that do Equinox. And I will not mention why no one can get anywhere near the imaginary fuel economy Chevy claims. Either way a better choice than hybrid.

  4. Yeah, because hybrids are way more reliable. Can't have that.

  5. Why do we need that car? What department?

  6. It would be for one the two assistant superintendents
    of Public Works.

  7. "Why do we need that car?"
    Nothing new-
    Amherst living beyond its means
    and the expense of it's taxpayers.

    We need fiscal responsibility!-especially with regards to the top heavy school dept (where they are constantly inventing "new" administrative positions)

  8. And what's with that god-awful Amherst seal. Looks like someone left it out in the sun to long and it melted.

  9. "We need fiscal responsibility!-especially with regards to the top heavy school dept (where they are constantly inventing "new" administrative positions)"

    Then you need to vote for the end of the government as is in Amherst and vote in a mayoral system so someone can be accountable. Right now it's secrets behind closed doors.
