Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Free At Last!

Stephanie O'Keeffe, Amherst Select Board chair, recieves Governor Patrick's signed copy of declaration honoring today's 150th anniversary celebration from resident historian Bob Romer

Town and state officials, police and fire personnel, a pack of media, and a bevy of citizens totaling  almost one hundred turned out this brisk afternoon to celebrate the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation, a decree that freed the slaves in warring southern states.

Crowd gathered in front of the steps to Town Hall
District Attorney Dave Sullivan chats with Amherst Town Manager John Musante
The Lord Jeff Inn broke out their seldom seen American flag


  1. In your video, are you standing on top of your car, in a tree, or levitating?

  2. All us black belts can levitate.

    Actually I'm standing on top of a very large snow pile the DPW was kind enough to deposit just across from Town Hall.

  3. I saw Amherst on NBC Nightly News. Nice.

  4. Perfect for a town such as Amherst that is all about political play, the same reason Lincoln signed the Declaration, less about freeing slaves and more about political positioning.

  5. How wise a statement Anon: 7:29 pm. How blind a society Amherst chooses to remain! :(

  6. Funny how things change. Amherst is the liberal democratic socialist capital of the North East, yet in during the Civil War the state was very much Republican home to many Radical Republican leaders who were adamantly against the Confederate states and who demanded the worst of treatments for those who owned slaves. Around 1860 a little over 60% of the state voted Republican and 20% voted Northern Democratic. And the governor of the time won over and over in landslides. He too was Republican. Interesting how all these Democrats shake each others hands and celebrate today. Then again the Democratic party of today took on the Republican ideals after the 50s and 60s. Funny how times change.

  7. Amherst voted NOT to ratify the US Constitution, but was outvoted by the rest of the Commonwealth.

    And remember that the Emancipation Proclamation did not free the slaves in Maryland

    And remember that it was AFRICANS who captured and sold other Africans into slavery. Africans...
