Monday, December 3, 2012

After The Fall: Cover Up?

 UMass Du Bois Library

Did UMass/Amherst, still reeling from a reported gang rape incident where alcohol played a strong supporting role, purposely sweep under the rug the unfortunate death of  19-year-old Sydne Jacoby because alcohol probably played a strong supporting role?  Well ... yes.

As some of you may remember, I broke the unfortunate story of the gang rape, 18 hours before my bricks-and-mortar media friends formed a pack and descended on the UMass Police Station.  My ultra-reliable source on Saturday said UMass was going to go public with the story at a press conference at 1:00 PM Monday, so I published on Sunday evening.

By noon Monday my source thought the press conference was not going to happen.

A public statement acknowledging the rape (carefully avoiding the word "gang") appeared on the UMass news website only an hour before the press conference, which did happen -- but looked very hastily thrown together.

Now, only five weeks later, the pattern continues.

UMass has always acknowledged the sudden death of a student with a public statement, no matter the circumstance, from suicide to a routine auto accident. And if they had issued a simple statement on Monday November 19, the day Jacoby died, simply acknowledging the death -- even if withholding her name -- that would probably have been the end of it.

But when the local paper announces the sudden death ten days after the fact, and then does not even report the name of the victim because UMass refuses to release it, you have to wonder.  One key detail is reported as the Gazette quoted AFD Chief Tim Nelson (who was assured the name of the victim would not be used) stating the young woman had been drinking.

My other first responder sources say it was a quite a lot.  And a self described "best friend" posted to a Facebook page on November 18 -- two days after the fall, when Jacoby was still in a coma -- soliciting prayers:

"Unfortunately on Friday night, Sydne was the victim in a terrible accident. She was leaving a party with her two friends and wasn’t feeling well due to her high level of intoxication. It was then that she fell backwards and crashed hard onto the concrete, hitting her skull and causing her to immediately become unconscious. When the ambulance had arrived she went into cardiac arrest twice, but thankfully they were able to bring her back both times."

Obviously alcohol played a role in this terrible tragedy.  Obviously UMass doesn't want people to know that.  Question is who -- or what -- are they trying to protect?


  1. Respect the family's wishes. Leave the people alone damnit

  2. could it be possible that the girl's family were the ones preventing her name from being released out of respect for her and to maintain some extent of privacy? are you sure the "cover up" as you call it was a doing of the university?

  3. Larry Kelley why the hell don't you get a life and stop being a disrespectful asshole to kids half your age? Seriously, do you have nothing better to do than this? Imagine if this was one of your daughters who tragically died in an accident such as this... Just take a moment to get off your self-proclaimed pedestal and consider the wishes of a family who has just experienced a tremendous loss.

    Also, why don't you man up and come and directly address the UMass student community? I'm sure they'd be more than receptive for a chance to meet the infamous Larry Kelley.

  4. The alcohol soaked mayhem at UMASS is nothing new.I have been hearing about it for 40+ years.I guess some people expect students of that age to engage in a certain amount of stupidity.I am glad I don't have to live near it though.I wish you well in your effort to shed light on all that crap but it must seem like swimming up a waterfall.

  5. Actually Anon 12:23 I'm speaking to Professor List's Journalism and Law class later this afternoon.

  6. What's UMass covering up? They're covering up a pervasive climate of binge-drinking, faceless hookups, and academic underperformance.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    What's UMass covering up? They're covering up a pervasive climate of binge-drinking, faceless hookups, and academic underperformance"

    And this is something new???? I've lived in Amherst for over 35 years and UMass has always had a climate of binge-drinking, faceless hookups and academic underperformance. Larry is trying to make this seem like he has uncovered a news story as big as the Watergate cover up right here in lil ole Amherst. Folks, this is not a huge story. It's a sad story and the amount of drinking that goes on is a sad commentary of college life - but it's not a cover-up of epic proportions and LK will not be winning any Pulitzers with his "coverage" of it.

  8. Why can't you just let her rest in peace instead of prowling on facebook to prove she was drinking? Perhaps she was drinking but the point is she is DEAD, had a terrible accident and you should have a little more respect.
    I could not imagine if I lost my son or daughter only to have the case examined on a pubic blog.
    How do you sleep at night?

  9. I do beleive that the family specifically requested that her name be withheld and a campus wide email not be sent out. (see the daily collegian article:

    This event does warrant examination, so those who are offended because you ask these questions are probably coming off a little strong. As a recent student from UMass, it is bad out there. The cycle does need to be broken, however this tradgedy, while indicative of the drinking issue, seems to be a worst-case or even freak scenario, that ended in an incredible tradgedy. It will warrant introspection, however it seems that all sides are trying to twist this tradgedy to their respective opinions. I mean, how exactly could this have been prevented? While Mr. Kelly's crusade to crack down on off-campus party houses, especially those with irresponsible and absentee landlords or repeat offendor tenants, is justified and a good idea, this tradgedy could have just as easily happened to me if I slipped on the Fine Arts Center steps on an icy morning on my way to ISOM. Mr. Kelly's connection is probably a little stretched, but those who think he is completely off base are probably also shirking his analysis because they don't like him anyway. This is a time to mourn and reflect, not to take advantage of a tradgedy for whatever you think.

  10. Yep, cart a girl off to the psych ward, ignore the fact she is telling you she has been raped, and then the psych ward calls you with what they found during the physical exam....

  11. The majority of people seem to think it was not in Larry's purview to release her name to the public, especially in light of the family's request to not advertise it. LK is not above the law, but does seem to be beyond basic respect and understanding.

  12. Nobody is covering it up, policy is to gain permission from the family first. Several years ago a student died abroad and a release was delayed due to families wishes.

    Why is this such a hard concept here? Jumping to conclusions based on suspicion is almost as bad a choice as drinking heavily...

    Not to mention this type of behavior is just as, if not more prevalent, at the private universities. My many times drinking thereshowed a laissez-faire attitude by law enforcement (both APD and the respective police of the campuses) towards underage consumption, binge-drinking, and drug usage. What is the discriminating factor?


  13. By the time Larry got to this story, the girl's name was already all over the Collegian. This isn't an issue.

    Good point on discrimination Juggernaut. Why don't people bring this up more? If you read this blog regularily, and see the AFD reports on Monday, for most of the beginning of the summer Amherst Collge's ETOH/student ratios were far higher (sometimes double) than UMass. Sure, Amherst kids are "smarter" about their partying that UMass, but which is worse? What about Hampshire Halloween?

    That was my rant on UMass being the second-class college. I apologize as its an unrelated topic. However Larry, I would love to hear your perspective on that.

  14. Actually I published a full day before the Collegian.

    Although I was not the first to publish her name.
    Her hometown newspaper published it on November 29, the same day the Gazette published her sad story without using her name. But they did mention the alcohol component of the story which her hometown paper did not.

  15. As long as Ponziville has cashDecember 4, 2012 at 5:35 PM

    Buh buh buh but we held up signs protesting stuff 40+ years!

    How come we never once looked in the mirror???


  16. Whenever I read someone angrily telling Larry to "get a life", my response is that I can't think of anyone who is living as much.....tirelessly.

    Criticize him all you want, but one thing he does have is a life.

  17. And of course the ultimate irony of them coming here (probably every day) just looking for the opportunity to tell me to get a life.

  18. It appears obvious that the family wanted her name left out of the media. This is not a grand UMass conspiracy, this is just what the family wanted.

  19. Gary. Get a life you dink!. Respect the family wish and let them be.

  20. Just to let all of you bloggers know....with tomorrow....11-19-2013 being 1 year that my precious daughter passed away...Sydne Jacoby(quite proud to list her name!)I would like all of you to know as well as all other parents that have college students at Umass as well as other has been said that out of respect to our family the accident was not disclosed for 10 days....this is absolutely UNTRUE! It is and will always be my parental obligation to make sure these horrific happenings never get covered up! During this past year,my family and I,as well as many good friends and family have started a foundation in my daughter's your time to good use and visit the website to help me and my family help make a difference in helping time was cut way too soon for my sweet Sydne
