Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How would Miss Emily vote?

The Amherst of old (before UMass/Amherst became the giganormous flagship of higher education) was a L-O-T more conservative than we are today.  So I would have to imagine our beloved reclusive poet Emily Dickinson -- never able to vote in her lifetime -- would have supported our current Senator, Scott Brown and Republican challenger, and former Governor of our liberal state, Mitt Romney for President.

And since she was brilliant, Miss Emily would also have been smart enough not to tell anyone in the Amherst of today how she voted.


  1. Some think that when she wrote "Alone and in a circumstance/ Reluctant to be told...", Emily was artfully describing a visit to the outhouse. But I am quite certain she was writing about the voting booth (in the First Congregational Church basement perhaps?).

    As you know, she goes on to say "If any strike me on the street
    I can return the Blow —
    If any take my property
    According to the Law
    The Statute is my Learned friend"

    By her verse she seems a clear-thinking, law and order type. She would have been a 'compassionate' conservative.

    Is there any other kind?
    Thanks for your considerable efforts with the relief truck, Larry.

  2. Romney/Ryan baby. Warren is a socialist

  3. She would never vote for Romney or Brown. They are both so anti-woman there is no way she would vote for them.

  4. Of course they are anti-woman. Neither one of them supported the Lily Leabetter Act, Brown co-sponsored the Blunt Amendment; they both want to defund Planned Parenthood; they both support the personhood amendment, which would outlaw ALL abortions and most contraceptive methods. How much more anti-woman can you get?

  5. She wouldn't have voted, it was illegal for women to vote when she was alive!!

  6. Oh my! Never the twain shall meet. And the beat goes on...
