Monday, November 12, 2012

Free $ No More

 Pine Street, North Amherst center

The town seems to have hit a dry spell acquiring Other People's Money for expensive infrastructure improvements.

First it was Community Development Block Grant funds from the federal government, a cool million no longer coming our way; and now the state has passed over a $4 million MassWorks Project proposal to upgrade North Amherst's Pine Street roadway, including water/sewer and sidewalks.

"Economic development" is one of the main criteria for MassWorks approval. Last spring, fearing more student party houses, Amherst Town Meeting vetoed the smart growth rezoning proposal for North Amherst.  Only months later, the town applied for the ill fated MassWorks construction grant. 

Now just another concrete casualty of rowdy student behavior.


  1. What a disappointment. North Amherst languishes, in desperate need of infrastructure improvements, while Amherst Woods has nice underground power lines and modern water/sewer pipes. It is clear where Amherst's priorities lie...

  2. Ummmm,have you driven over the roads in Amherst Woods? They are horrible! I live in Orchard Valley and we have underground power and cable lines too.

  3. Any news on the plans for Atkins to have a store in N Amherst?

    It's N Amherst's only hope for getting decent roads!!!

    Does our town manager ever turn Right out of his street and head towards N Amherst (as he loves to mention how great??? the streets look in Amherst)
