Friday, November 9, 2012

Coming Home

 Amherst College Homecoming this weekend

I was meaning to write one of those milestone remembrances last week as I hit one million page views -- the highs and lows over six years of blogging -- but then Frankenstorm came calling and I had to live in the moment for a few days.

One very low story that haunts me to this day was the sudden death of promising young Amherst College student Jenny Kim; "sudden" being a euphemism for suicide. I still get a few web searchers coming here every week as a constant reminder.

Now I have another name that will haunt me for a very long time, probably forever: Trey Malone.

Trey too was a promising student attending Amherst College -- and like Ms. Kim he took his own life.  Unlike Jenny Kim, we now know why he took his own life.  I'll let him speak (for the final time) but provide no follow up.

I'm left speechless.

(read at your own risk)


  1. So because he killed himself, his story is considered important and is listened to -- while because I somehow found the internal strength not to, my story isn't and won't be?

  2. Roach Patrolling down Ponziville's spineNovember 9, 2012 at 11:44 AM

    Oh come now Larry, another made up story?

    This is a utopia, we are progressive and everything is absolutely perfect.

    Don't agree?



  3. 11:22, I will listen to your story and likely find it important - if you want to share it.

    If not, then I can't and I won't. Which is not a reflection at all of you or of your experience but instead the result of me just not knowing about it.

    But his, I do know about. I do consider important. And I did listen to.

  4. The previous comments are completely irrelevant.

    Trey's letter was as moving as it was damning to the College. I have spent the last hour reading the similar accounts which have provoked AC's sudden response to the recent allegations. After what occurred at UMass a couple weeks ago, sexual misconduct (to put it lightly) is more widespread than I realize.

    Thanks for posting the link, LK.

  5. So you clearly posted his name because it will generate traffic to you blog. Truly shameful and shameless.

  6. All my traffic today is quickly outgoing ( as I meant it to be).

  7. Thanks for publishing his letter. Very tough to read, but something we should all take a long hard look at. Thanks.

  8. Your welcome. I did not hesitate to link to his stunningly sad letter because his family wants his last words to have impact.

    And how can they not?

  9. Oh my God,may this poor mans' soul rest in peace

  10. Larry, you do know that his alcohol-related arrest the night before is likely what actually instigated the suicide don't you?

    Gives another take on a lot of stuff, doesn't it?

  11. Not really. Alcohol plays a role in a lot of bad things. I've known that for quite a while.

  12. From College Confidential blog:

    The following is a response from an AC alum to an incoming frosh who asked :

    5) I've heard claims that Amherst is somewhat a party school and that students get easy access to alcohol and take advantage of that. Are the claims true?


    5. It is incredibly easy to get alcohol and the campus police are pretty lenient in what they allow. I would say 75% of the kids drink and 25% don’t as a general rule. This is not much different than other similar schools, but I would say alcohol is easier to get here than most other places.

    This only goes to show that college students are coming here with preconcieved notions about alchool and the campus leinency towards it.

    Amherst College harbors many dark and evil secrets...

  13. Every UM student knows it -- Amherst and Smith kids get away with things in their dorms that no UM kid ever would.

    There is a completely different attitude toward students when you are thinking of future alumni donations.

  14. Amherst College harbors many dark and evil secrets..

    UMass harbors far more.

    Sometime, when years and distance have made me more disinterested, I will tell a few of them and folks won't look at a lot of things the same way ever again.

    The big issue Amherst College is currently confronting is one which UMass has decided to bury, to leave as a cancer growing deeply within the institution. ACT is going to create the next Virginia Tech Shooter, not prevent it.
