Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Shadow Knows!

 "Who Knows What Evil Lurks In the Hearts of Men ..."

So if I really were a Fox News fanatical parrot, I would now be squawking about this morning's above the fold front page photo appearing in my favorite Massachusetts newspaper, 7th largest in the state, The Republican.

Besides being a lousy photo -- especially for the AP -- one could Tweet that they decapitated the guy standing in for Mitt Romney.  Not only that, but the shadow they so "artfully" wish to highlight looks like it's giving a Nazi salute (from a Nazi who lost his right arm in combat).  Yikes!

Anyone remember when Time magazine artfully photoshopped a cover pic of O.J. Simpson to make him look more sinister?  Or speaking of Fox News, the "bombshell" video they are currently playing that makes the president seem at tad too, err, black.

In politics this is called the "muddy season".  And for a good reason.  I just expect a little more from the AP (or Time Magazine, if they are still in business).


  1. "So if I really were a Fox News fanatical parrot, I would now be squawking about this morning's above the fold front page photo"

    And you are doing just that...hmm.

  2. But I did it so "artfully" (in a Shakespearean sort of way).

  3. Shades of Goebbels. Usually when this sort of "intangible" occurs, it's the inspiration of someone down the journalistic food chain. The inveterate problem is that editors drop the ball through careless (I hope not benign) neglect.

  4. The Falsely Defamed Dr. EdOctober 3, 2012 at 2:35 PM

    Both AP & Reuters did the same thing with a frame from Bibi N's speech to the UN -- and lots of folk were upset about what they thought was a nazi salute -- and I pointed out was actually a Belamy Salute.
