Sunday, October 21, 2012

Raw Sunday report with a (very) delayed lead

 51 Phillips Street (Sunday morning) note stolen sign

Just some of things I'm working on for tomorrow's start of the news cycle.  Cruising about late Friday and Saturday nights listening to the scanner confirms a bevy of "Party Houses of the Weekend" will rear their ugly chimneys at tomorrow morning's APD press briefing that condenses a weekend of controlling chaotic activity into tidy public log entries.

Poetic irony of course is 51 Phillips Street will make the list.  Yes, the address I posted a photo of last week because of beer debris on the roof and Cowardly Anon Nitwits have been complaining about in comments ever since, because the house was not actually cited for anything ... (except existing on a street the Amherst Redevelopment Authority consultant deemed "decadent.")

Sure enough APD was called there, 51 Phillips Street, for a noise complaint around 9:00 PM last night (so early I was not even in my car) and residents were cited for Noise and/or Nuisance violations.  Tomorrow at the APD press briefing I will get the details as to whether folks were arrested or simply cited civilly, but if I had to guess, probably arrested.

A DUI arrest showed up fairly early last night: a motorcyclist was pulled over on the access road from Mill Valley Estates leading into East Hadley Road early last night, about a quarter mile from my house. 

Officers arrested the driver, a young black male, and Ernie's towing carted off the motorcycle.  You drink and drive they tow your vehicle (and put you in jail).

Friday night one ranking member of APD was on taxi patrol, pulling them over left and right for sudden inspections.  Sounds like a few did not pass and received citations or had to be towed.  The Amherst Select Board has on their agenda Monday night a discussion about taxi regulations, so chances are they will hear a full report on what happened Friday night.
 167 College Street, late Friday night

Around midnight Friday police descended on 167 College Street for a large party.  You may remember this address from last year where a major brawl occurred that resulted in stabbings.

Interestingly Amherst College issued a public statement saying none of the students involved were from Amherst College (the property borders the campus and Amherst College police had to help back up APD in dealing with the melee).

Which leads me to me to just one more, exceedingly sad and no less shocking, thing.  According to reliable sources, UMass/Amherst will issue a public statement at UMPD HQ tomorrow @ 1:00 PM  concerning the arrest of four individuals for the most heinous crime to occur on campus in my exceedingly l-o-n-g memory:  gang rape. 


  1. Why don't you mention UMass reported the rape incident, if you are referring to the one I am thinking of, while Amherst hid it?

  2. Praying that your source is wrong. RM

  3. I was too, with the first one.

    But the second one is confirmation beyond a doubt.

    Press conference tomorrow at UMPD headquarters, 1:00 PM. It will be very well attended.

  4. I pity the victim, I know what the university will do to her, the scrutiny they will have her under and if she was a friend of mine, I would tell her to withdraw and transfer somewhere else.

    I know what UM will do to her, I do not say this lightly...

  5. Dr Ed, this incident occurred at Amherst College, who mishandled it. The victim sought attention at UMass.

  6. Well, if she is a UM student, she is going to be on the "watch list" and get a whole lot more attention than she ever desired or imagined.

  7. Larry, clearly you are eager to "break" this story in your make-believe journalism world... please refrain from continuing to sensationalize this incident for no purpose but feeding your ego...

    also, in the future... please clean up the crappy sentence structure and plain and simple writing errors, it appears you were so excited to post this blog entry that you decided to forego basic writing rules...

    what an embarrassment you are to this town and to "journalism".

  8. Larry,

    You are the ultimate "Cowardly Anon Nitwit." You constantly berate and insult those who post anonymously but you refuse to turn off the function to post anonymously.

    Why? Because you know that your little blog would fail without the anonymous comments.

    Your blog defends on the anonymous posters so don't be such a hypocrite by biting the hand that feeds you.

    You are probably too much of a coward yourself to even post this.

  9. Note the sign looted from a local business on display in the first photo.

    Maybe the town should start holding College officials responsible for the damage their students do. If the APD doesn't want to arrest and charge students, they should arrest and charge the University PR flacks.

    This situation is intolerable and it must change. Which means the residents of Amherst have to get over their aging Baby Boomer nostalgia for brawling with the cops and choose town officials who will get serious.

  10. larry perhaps this event was created in your own little make believe world oher local news agency has reported it...GET A LIFE...or maybe a job in the real world

  11. This thing with the college kids and partying is becoming an obsession on your part Larry. You may want to consider therapy.

  12. Actually, sir/madam, we've confirmed the date of the offense, the date of the arrest, the venue for today's arraignment and other details. It would appear that Mr. Kelley once again scooped the "mainstream media."
    Conor Berry
    The Republican
    (413) 788-1276

  13. "Amherst Redevelopment Authority consultant deemed "decadent."

    Hmm, no unbiased journalism there, considering you were on the Amherst Redevelopment Authority and served as chair of one of the public meetings.

    Either make that disclosure in your article or omit the non-news-item about the house, as you had no facts at the time you wrote it, but your presentation of this is amateurish at best.

  14. Not the rioght time or place (considering the upcoming news)
    but - no mention of The Bulletin article on per student costs?

    I assume the stated ratio of 10 teachers for each elementary student must be an error?

  15. Yep on both counts. I'm working my way back to a story on that, but the way things are going it may be a while.

  16. Roach Patrolling down Ponziville's spineOctober 22, 2012 at 10:47 AM

    what an embarrassment you are to this town and to "journalism".

    October 22, 2012 2:48 AM

    Oh yeah?

    Awww, therrrre therrrre...

    Have a banana.

    "larry perhaps this event was created in your own little make believe world oher local news agency has reported it...GET A LIFE...or maybe a job in the real world"

    Can you say


    (Yeah, I knew you could).

    "This situation is intolerable and it must change. Which means the residents of Amherst have to get over their aging Baby Boomer nostalgia for brawling with the cops and choose town officials who will get serious."

    LSD damaged neurons + narcissism + tiny insect brains =

    not gonna happen

    (however they ~are~ getting OOOOOOLD, aren't they?)

  17. Maybe the town should start holding College officials responsible for the damage their students do. If the APD doesn't want to arrest and charge students, they should arrest and charge the University PR flacks.

    As much as I would so truly enjoy seeing university officials going to jail -- yes I really, really would enjoy seeing this!!!! -- some of you folks are starting to scare me. We are always only one generation away from loosing our democracy and some of you seem to want to expedite that.

    You folks are making the same mistake that Nathan Bedford Forrest made -- bypassing the system for a sake of expediency. He wound up forming the Klu Klux Klan -- anyone prepared to argue that is a good organization? You stand ready to make the same mistake that the German citizens did as the Weimar Republic collapsed -- they voted a man named Hitler into office? How'd that turn out?

  18. Never try to debate with a drunk or an idiot. Now I need to add Dr. Ed to that list. Trouble is drunks and idiots make more sense. I hate to slander them.

  19. I have no problem asking the Amherst Police (and town officials) to do their job.

    That actually is what I am saying -- it is THEIR job. No one else's.

    It is *easier* to try to make it someone else's but that is not legitimate. The Town of Amherst is responsible for the Town of Amherst - and no one else is.

    If there was a real problem with African Americans breaking ordinances and laws, would you ask the NAACP to control them? Why not?

    Remember that the military model does not apply here - as much as some may wish it did...
