Monday, October 8, 2012

Party Houses of the long Weekend

In spite of the mass exodus for the first l-o-n-g weekend of the semester, Amherst police were kept busy all over town dealing with the usual byproducts of too much alcohol:  noise, nuisance and the potentially lethal, Driving Under the Influence.

But not all the party houses citations were a result of students.  Take for instance, 132 Northampton Road where one of the occupants called a responding APD officer "honey" and that he was "going back inside because I don't have time for this."

Well, he ended up making time for it -- lots of time (at 1:33 AM), as he and three other friends were arrested for violating the town's noise bylaw.

Jeff Keedy, 54 Amity Place, Amherst, Ma, age 28
Keith Toffling, 132 Northampton Rd, Amherst, Ma, age 30
Daniel Shimlaus, 19 Stearns Ln, Sudbury, Ma, age 21
Michael Borgenieht, 4 Saddle Ridge Rd, Dover, Ma, age 20

My next "winner", 164 Sunset Avenue, (practically touching Southwest Towers, UMass) is a repeat offender. The house, not this particular resident.

As police arrived at 12:34 AM early Sunday morning two young ladies leaving the party boasted they were underage, and the remaining 150 guests were not as anxious to leave, requiring 15 minutes for officers to clear.

And even then the large throng of partiers required addition police units to clear from Sunset Avenue. Arrested for Noise and Nuisance House violations:
Erik Brown, 20 Keith Drive, Norton, Ma, age 22

36 Hallock Street, Amherst town center
As police were moving along a crowd of college aged patrons attending this party, I overheard one young lady say to her friend, "Oh well, from Hallock Street to North East Street." Because sure enough, the police were breaking this one up relatively early for a Friday night (12:21 AM).

And sure enough, an hour later APD broke up a party at 30 North East Street with over 200 "guests". But the host was a lot more cooperative with police, so he only received a $300 noise ticket rather than the four more obstinate party hosts at 36 Hallock Street.

Arrested for noise:
Jeffery Larnard, 13 Carpenter St, Amesbury, Ma, age 21
John Oshea, 25 Douglas Rd, Dracut, Ma, age 22
Molly Stevens, 23 Albright, W. Roxbury, Ma, age 22
Benjamin Chase, 58 Bridge St, Hatfield, Ma, age 22

"There's a killer on the road" gallery:

Stopped for operating without headlights (at 1:29 AM) and subsequently failing a FST (field sobriety test) on South Pleasant Street (about 500 yards from my house):

Christopher David Mackey, 245 Potwine Lane, Amherst, Ma, age 22, DUI

3:35 AM stopped for erratic driving and subsequently failed FST.  Found to be repeat offender.

Jose Ernesto Moreno, 22 Yale St, South Hadley, Ma, age 38, DUI 2nd offense.


  1. Shocked by your headline, I suggest adding "potential" before "killer on the road." No, I don't think a DUI should get off.

    We should have the Canadian system: First offense and you have to buy a car breathalyzer -- the car won't start unless you (or someone) blow sober.

  2. Mr Morrison would come back and haunt me for messing with the quote, and I would be "squirming like a toad."

  3. WGGB mentioned a Hadley car accident overnight Fri to Sat (Car flipped over on West St) Few details- not mentioned elsewhere.

  4. Anonymous 7:12

    Mr Kelley does go far too hard on UMass, but I have even less tolerance for you, my fellow "alumni" that post such comments. Stop belittling my degree and party in a better way.

    It's only been a few years, and I do not know when it became acceptable to smash car windows, etc. Granted the town is going a bit overboard with those "totally not for revenue" tickets, but we partied better and more respectfully. The only reason I can surmise why the current set of idiots acts/posts this way is that you don't know how to actually party...

  5. Well said there young Stormin! (The enemy of my enemy is my friend).

  6. Okay, there are many problems with students. We can post their names. What else can we do?

  7. You should put the drunken driver that's over 30-years-of-age in a different post,as that had nothing to do with students. Your article doesn't need padding to make your point.

  8. Be easy on Larry. He's a man on a mission.

  9. The hotter the fire the stronger the steel.


  10. So, OWNERS:

    AMHERST MA 01002

    AMHERST MA 01002

    220 N. PLEASANT ST
    AMHERST MA 01002

    What are you going to do about YOUR problem tenants???

    I hope you'll let us know right away, since we have to live with them EVERY weekend!!!

  11. What about letters to the parents that purchase Amherst homes for their children to party the semester away

  12. Shaming: a form of deterrence that was good enough for New England Puritans.

    Think of this blog as the stocks in the public square of the 21st century.

  13. I don't get what you are trying to accomplish here by shaming UMass Students. Students will be students. If you don't like what goes on in a college town... don't live in one.

  14. I don't like Cowardly Anon Nitwits ... but I put up with them hoping for the occasional diamond in the rough.

    Which you sir, are not.

  15. Anonymous 307,

    You're confusing Amherst College with UMass.

  16. If you read this blog a bit more closely, you'll see that anyone arrested for DUI or excessive noise is listed whether they are UMass students or just drunks.

    I watched a college age guy get a ticket for parking his mini motorcycle on the sidewalk. He said, "Why?" The parking enforcement guy could have said, "This is what we do -- give tickets." But instead he said, 'It's a motorized vehicle.'

    The point is: It's not 'students party, that's what they do.' The phrase is, 'Students study, that's what they do.'

    The ones who resort to profanity and name calling here just need a definition and all will be well. By the way, we're not moving. And I'll be mowing my grass at 7 a.m. after the chainsaw battle at 6 a.m. on Saturday.

  17. I watched a college age guy get a ticket for parking his mini motorcycle on the sidewalk. He said, "Why?" The parking enforcement guy could have said, "This is what we do -- give tickets." But instead he said, 'It's a motorized vehicle.'

    As an FYI- the ticket was probably for blocking the sidewalk- sidewaks need to be keep clear and accessible
