Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nuisance Party Poster Boys

A proud Peter Clark

UPDATE:  Friday, Oct 25.  Peter Clark took down his Facebook business page but not personal one.


One major reason I think UMass pampers the hard core student party culture living off-campus is the simple fact Peter Clark and Emerson Rutkowski are still students in good standing. 

The first major incident of violence towards our police department occurred at the very beginning of the semester last year.  September 9, 2011 to be exact.  Peter Clark was the party DJ.  He was proud enough to use it for a cover photo on FAH-Q Facebook page for his DJ business, even after the extensive negative press.

Currently he uses a photo from one of the three recent Townhouse (where he lives) riots.

Because of the notoriety I first bestowed upon Peter Clark, the Amherst Bulletin and Daily Hampshire Gazette gave him a front page platform to air his cocky, immature party hardy philosophy to the masses.

And that was quickly followed up by the King of Juvenile, Bar Stool Sports, making him out to be a modern day James Dean (although "without a cause" certainly fits).

When he and stooge sidekick Emerson Rutkowski were driving neighbors crazy in a residential neighborhood in South Amherst and the household garnered repeated noise/nuisance tickets as a result, they formed a Facebook page called "F_ck The Fines!"

This kid is worse than a serial repeat offender, because he's actually proud of it.  And as a "professional" DJ, he profits by it.  Fast forward to early Friday morning: Peter Clark and  Emerson Rutkowski were arrested yet again for Noise and Nuisance violations at their Meadow Street Townhouse apartment.

And it sounds like the cop could also have thrown in a charge of resisting arrest or assault on an officer.

At the very least, this makes three arrest incidents in just the past 18 months.  So if Umass really wants to show they are cracking down on the rowdy behavior terrorising our neighborhoods, then they they need to do what our military does in the "War On Terror":  take out the ringleaders.

And for the lowly likes of Peter Clark or Emerson Rutkowski, you don't need an expensive drone strike. Just expel them.  Peter Clark famously stated, "As long as I’m here, there will always be a party to go to."

Well, the flip side to that ...


No surprise APD broke up a major party on Hobart Lane the night of 10/12/12


  1. Perhaps you and readers of your mindset would do better in a Florida retirement community, where everyone is in bed by 8 pm at the latest (those are the hard-core party people).

    You certainly don't belong in a place with people who enjoy having fun.

  2. Well, I did hit the publish button at 9:34 PM ... but yeah, I'm usually in bed by now.

    Enjoying fun is fine as long as you do not do it at the expense of your neighbors right to enjoy peace and quiet in their most cherished possession, home.

  3. Michael Roehm said...

    "Perhaps you and readers of your mindset would do better in a Florida retirement community, where everyone is in bed by 8 pm at the latest (those are the hard-core party people).

    You certainly don't belong in a place with people who enjoy having fun."

    Perhaps when Michael and the rest of his gang grow the F**K up and have a life that comes with responsibilities (Job, children, schedules, bills, investments) they will regret the abuse they forced on the homeowners of Amherst. Karma: what goes around, comes around. This will bite you in your adult ass, if you ever grow up!

  4. Right on Larry for publishing this!! These thugs do not belong at UMass Amherst and they are a pox on the community and the University. They are not typical students. They should get the F**K out of town and take their ilk with them! Thank you for following this story Larry!!!

  5. The fact that these louts are still students at UMass means the UMass admins fundamentally don't give a crap about Amherst. The first arrest or fine should mean automatic probation, the second should be suspension or expulsion.

    Amherst needs to hold UMass accountable. If they are tolerating and encouraging these lawbreakers, then doesn't that make the University complicit? As I said earlier, maybe Amherst should start arresting University officials.

  6. it is hard to imagine that even their mothers could love these disgusting young men. They are really yucky and gross and just don't get it...maybe someday they will.

  7. this is super scary!i wonder how brave larry would be taking pictures of police responses in the south end of springfield. im glad to see your burning passion in life is to get into online squabbles with entitled college students, you are making a real difference.im sure once you accomplish your goal (of closing the university?),you will see those annoying college kids were never worth it, and it's a lot better when the town you live in is like Fitchburg instead of Ann Arbor. Thanks again my crusader ;)

  8. Zing! Boy, Larry you really know how to put someone in their place! Always, the fool will ignore substance and attack on grounds of the mundane.

    How about the previous post: They are really yucky and gross and just don't get it...maybe someday they will.

    Yucky and gross? What is this, elementary school? Typical Amherst conservatives who needs someone to pop their pincushions.

  9. Expell them please! I had fun at UMASS without taking up valuable public safety resources or impacting my neighbors. They are irresponsible and *malicious* jerks. Furthermore, in this competitive job market after reading these posts I would never hire them - with so many qualified applicants I would never risk it. It doesn't take much online searching to come up with this information. With such a saturated job market I don't know anyone in HR that would potentially open up their company to the potential headaches that these hooligans may possibly bring.

  10. I like your blog Larry, but some of this comes awful close to the slander line.

    As for anonymous 718, UMass cares more about the town than the town about the school. Who has hosted any town-gown events? The town never does, it is always the school.

  11. This blog is not only bordering on slander - it is bordering on obsession.

  12. Larry if your looking for employment I am currently accepting applications for a publicist.

  13. As my Chinese friends would say there Peter boy, "Be careful what you wish for."

    But yeah, I'll give you a freebie and retweet from your Facebook page: For a Halloween rager call or text Emerson Rutkowski at 781-521-0734.

  14. Larry, "781" tells me all I need to know - you do know what area code that is, don't you?

    Three things you are missing - big time here.

    1: The entire UM student affairs division is composed of bullies. Bullies are inherent cowards and only go after the kids who can't defend themselves. (See point #3 below.) The question you need to ask with these two, much like you ask with PIKE, is not why UM doesn't punish students but why it is ignoring these particular two.

    2: Reality is that UMass is considerably harsher on "good" kids than on "bad" ones. This is because there really is neither due process nor equal protection on that campus. Much of the discipline involves implicit (often explicit) threats of things like "interim sanctions", criminal charges, being arrested, being locked up in the psych ward, etc.

    These things are truly terrifying to the "good" kids and the admin has them so terrified into submission that you no longer see the student government even criticizing the administration.

    But if you already have been arrested more times than you can count, and are still here, none of this really bothers you because you know how hollow the threats are. You almost hope they try some of it because it becomes yet one more thing to joke about with your buddies, one more machismo story to get girls to sleep with you.

    Third, most lawyers won't take education cases, there is a lot of work and little money in them, and UMass knows that. But if Daddy is a major client of a Boston law firm, the firm will dump "Junior's Mess" onto a junior associate who is eager to make partner and UM's processes are so shoddy that they won't pass legal muster of any kind.

    So UM runs and hides and lets this kid go, content in suspending a bunch of other ones.

    And then never forget that UM is a state institution and there are assorted politicians who will advocate for kids. Politicians who will hold the university budget hostage to UM not punishing a kid. Stan Rosenberg isn't the only one on Beacon Hill after all...

    The question is why these two particular kids are untouchable.

  15. I am told that it costs $30,000 to make an expulsion from UMass go away -- as in a specific individual (now graduated) had been expelled but his father paid $30K and it disappeared.

    I don't know if this was an outright bribe, a quid/pro/quo "donation" to the university, donations to assorted politicians, the cost of a lawsuit, or what.

    And there are parents with $30K in free cash which they can drop to make their child's problems go away. That is what I meant by the "781" Area code.

    Again Larry, the issue is not why is UM not punishing students but why is it not punishing these two. And PIKE.

    I think you know my opinion of the PIKE fratboys....

  16. I have lived in Amherst my entire life and I will tell you that having fun and going to parties is all well and good. It's normal. But a party where 400 or more kids show up is unacceptable. You don't live on an island. You live in a community. You are not the be all and end all! People LIVE here. The sidewalks are not rolled up in May and rolled out in September.

  17. I'm sorry to say this, but this town is a shit hole, Umass brings all the money and jobs to this town. I for one know that the Amherst police budget could know way in hell afford Chargers to drive around w/o Umass. So you town folk need to be more appreciative of Umass and the students. The university ain't leaving anytime soon, so either you leave or suck it up.

  18. Let me guess -- from Lynn?

  19. Actually CAN 8:13 PM, the town of Amherst was here for over 100 years before UMass.

    And the Chargers do not cost appreciably more than the regular patrol cars.

  20. And the Chargers do not cost appreciably more than the regular patrol cars.


    How do they stand up?

    I am impressed with the vehicles even if they do look like Pimpmobiles, and if a vehicle can stand up to three shifts of cops, it usually can stand up to me....

  21. I still don't understand the timeline argument. My family was here before yours, so can I kick you out? Does my vote weigh more?

    It makes no sense.

  22. It will when you get a little older.

  23. OK, Larry, my family has been in Massachusetts since 1644.

    Na, Na, a Na Na......

  24. It won't, and it never will. The reality than is the school has been here longer than anyone in town that is alive at the moment. The reality must be dealt with, I agree that students are being over zealous compared to prior years, but "I was here first" hasn't worked as an argument since I was too old to go on a playground.

  25. Stormin Normin -- the middle is ceasing to hold. Nothing less.
