Thursday, October 11, 2012

Never Mind

The incomparable Rosanne Rosannadanna

From: XXX
Sent: Tue, Oct 9, 2012 2:49 pm

Hi Mr. Kelley,

My name is XXX and recently you posted in your "Only in the Republic of Amherst" blog about myself and my three roommates that were (unfortunately) arrested for violating the town's noise by-laws.

I understand this information is public knowledge, and you have every right to post it, but I'd like to ask that you at least edit the post and remove the comment about us being "obstinate."

This is a false statement. Even if you were to refer to the police report, there are no suggestions that myself nor my roommate XY acted in an obstinate manner with the police.

Again, I would very much appreciate you doing this,



From: XXX
Sent: Wed, Oct 10, 2012 9:38 am

Hi Mr. Kelley,

This is in regards to the previous email I sent you.

I have just spoken with my landlord and I would like to retract what I said and requested.

Despite my perspective of what happened Friday night and my behavior, I understand there are different opinions among others, perhaps such as yourself. Based on your opinion, you have every right to post that we acted in an obstinate manner.

I apologize for my original email, and can assure you that my roommates and myself have learned our lesson and you will never have a need to post about us again! (at least for this kind of reason)

Have a great day,



  1. I think you should x out the roommates name in the email-

    if your gonna protect the author- why not his "innocent" roomie (wrt the letter writing)

  2. Good point.

    (What makes you think the letter writer is male?)

  3. I am TOTALLY off topic here and you dont have to post this, but the automated call from our school system got me wondering. We are celebrating Hispanic heritage month in our schools. With this being such a diverse school system, why dont we celebrate Asian Pacific heritage or Jewish heritage month in May? Polish, German or Italian heritage month in October? Native American heritage in November? The list goes on. We have a special Hispanic awards night in June. Why not a Laotian night too? It is something I have heard the kids mention, why just one nationality?

  4. They do like to use that automated phone system ... a lot.

  5. These people are of legal age, but pretty young. How much should we punish them?

  6. Sounds to me like their landlord gave them Hell. And who knows, maybe even UMass will withhold giving them cookies.

    That should about do it.

  7. And when they didn't use the automated machine message "a lot" people complained about the lackof communication... you can't win with some folks.

  8. You like to mention the cookie thing... a lot.

    At least THEY are trying to do SOMETHING.

    Larry, is it hard being so angry and negative all day every day?

  9. The cookies were part of a "be nice" approach, one that is urged on us constantly on this blog.

    The District Attorney asked nicely for students to treat their neighbors with respect.

  10. And we've seen how well that worked.
