Friday, October 5, 2012

I just say No

 Don't Drink and Drive: especially in Amherst!

Sent: Fri, Oct 5, 2012 5:16 pm
Subject: Your blog


My name is Ms. XXX.

I have noticed that my name, address, age, and arrest information are all on your blog. I am asking that you take that information down, as you are not a police blog for the public, and I do not want employers or anyone being able to google my name and knowing that personal information. If you do not comply, I am willing to go to the Amherst Police and advise them of the situation.


From: Larry Kelley  
Sent: Fri, Oct 5, 2012 5:34 pm 
Subject: Your blog

Actually it is not "personal information", it is "public information." And the Amherst Police Department is very respectful when it comes to the First Amendment.


  1. Maybe you should have thought about the consequences of your actions before doing whatever you did to end up on Larry's blog. Keep up the good work Larry!

  2. She was pulled over for "entering into oncoming lane of travel" and blew a .134% BAC.

  3. Sure enough shows right up on Google search. That's actually how I found your blog, by searching a name that appeared on party house of the weekend.

  4. I totally agree with Oct 5 Anon. Ms. XXX welcome to the adult world you are now a member of public information network. Maybe you will have learned a valuable lesson and will now refrain from drunk driving before you seriously injure yourself or worse off an innocent bystander.

  5. Well Ms. XXX you better get ready to chase allot more people than Larry. If you just do a general bucket search on your name which will be no where near as inclusive as major employer will use. This information popped up on multiple web sites. So i would just behave and fly straight from here on as you are now officially stamped as a drunk driver and this info doesn't ever leave cyber space. The good news is if you stay out of trouble you can probably still swag your way through most job interviews with the "I made some bad judgement calls while in college" defense.

  6. Will we be seeing the names of non-students who were arrested for dui on here as well?

  7. You already have. As recently as two weeks ago:

    On Monday evening police responded to a farm field off South East Street (not the same one with the lost piggies) for a suspicious vehicle. Said vehicle, driven by David Brown, age 46, attempted to run down an officer.

    David Brown of 108 Lee Rd, South Deerfield is facing a litany of charges (the last one most astonishing):

    Driving with revoked license
    Assault with a dangerous weapon (the car)
    Alcohol in motor vehicle
    Possession of open container (in said vehicle)
    O.U.I Liquor 5th offense. Yes you read that correctly, 5th offense!
    Any other questions, CAN?

  8. I agree with Tom....."Think outside the box!" Of course, this speaks to the fact that personal responsibility seems to be "outside the box thinking" as of late. If Amherst truly has a responsibility to assist in the education of thousands of young people each year, then accepting the consequenses of one's actions is possibly the most valuable lesson that we can impart! While no one is laying blame or unfair scrutiny upon the student body as a whole, I have personally witnessed a fairly dramatic increase in the level of destruction, violence, and anti-social behavior throughout our town. This includes the untimely death of a bright young man who was working his way through college (paying his own way, btw.....what a rare occurrence!)Just short of graduation, he was killed by a someone not unlike "Ms. XXX" How many times does this have to happen before we start to truly hold people responsibe for what they do? Anything that we do....good or bad.....follows us throughout it should. Education and a multi-level approach must be implemented, of course, but the key factor that is consistently missing is personal responsibility and until that changes, we will continue to see these problems escalate. And please, more cookie handouts..(I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that one)..a few expulsions and other diciplinary measures would go a very long way to solve these issues. (*and to Anonymous.....I agree....non-student OUIs should DEFINITELY be exposed as well!)

  9. Don't judge a man till you have walked two moons in his moccasins.

  10. If students from the area colleges were to be arrested for dui or violence at one of their weekend shindigs, how would it affect the financials of the institutions if the kids were kicked out of school? In other words, is there an inordinate degree of tolerance on the part of UMass and Amherst College because of money factors?

  11. UMass brags about all the prospective students they turn away, so the expelled nitwits would be easy to replace.

  12. Who needs cable/dish TV, when you can listen to a police scanner all night? Probably the best entertainment of the college season so far, occurred last night/early this morning when the APD/state police received a hang up phone call. Turns out that a young woman (who I will refer to as "The Screamer") was experiencing a "bad trip" from the LSD AND Ecstasy she so smartly consumed & mixed. Every tim
    e APD and dispatch radioed, all you could hear was "SCREAMING". Even when police officer radioed from inside the vehicle, you could still hear The Screamer outside! (it get's better) Then add that an ambulance had to be dispatched. Upon arrival, EMT's spent almost an hour trying to catch The Screamer and put the restraints on her, to get her loaded into the ambulance (not quiet done yet...)then let's factor in the 20 minute drive to the hospital with this girl SCREAMING all the way there. Convo between EMT's and Hospital staff while on route, was more than amusing. Hospital staff didn't want this SCREAMER in the ER, so they ordered a nice heavy dose of Valium started immediately so she was nice and quiet when arriving at hospital.......her parent's should be proud that their daughter is getting a great education! I wonder if she has woken up yet? Yeah, our police and fire departments deserve raises and kudo's for dealing with these obnoxious immature stupid young adults that will some day rule this nation, God Help US.....

  13. To Ms. XXX,

    Truthfully, it will be easier to change your legal name than to get Larry Kelley to change his mind.

  14. I, too, agree with the measured toned ideas here about personal responsibility. The reference to the student's death from a drunk woman going the wrong way on the local highway is enough reminder.

    I believe the expulsions wouldn't dent either Umass or Amherst's financials because not many kids would get kicked out before others started getting the message. And the problem children are actually few in number, relative to the whole student population.

    Since when does any community tolerate stupid, drunken, violent behavior? Are you kidding me? Get the data from college communities. Easy enough to learn what others' alcohol related student academic status regulations are.

    We have a college house or two in our neighborhood and they are learning that every neighbor is looking out for the whole neighborhood. The cops are called after a certain point in the night. Someone wrote in the bulletin that we should all just go over and talk with the students at 1:15 in the morning when their party is too loud. Now I have the responsibility for their party? When do they start learning that they are also responsible to the community?

  15. The self described Amherst Town Conservative that supports allowing Gitmo detainees to take up residence in a COLLEGE TOWN where 20,000 bright young minds reside showing his true blue colors. Conservatives do not gossip sir. That is the sum of your actions. I pose the question to you and all others that complain about the students of UMass. Did you move here before 1865? Did you grow up here? Did your Realtor lie to you when you bought property or are you that pompous that you believe that community needs to strictly adhere to your "noise" complaints? How many of your jobs are based of the disposable income that the students of UMass bring? You can't have you cake and eat it too. You wanted to live in this environment, its been as such for nearly 45 years EASILY. Rather than spitefully trying to further the character assassination of students maybe you should engage in a student out-reach program, get to know your neighbors, teach people not to make some of the mistakes you made. Instead of being role-models you have all just stooped to a high school level of gossip and tattle-taling. I'm sure your neighbors who have parties may benefit from you reaching out with concerns rather than reaching for the phone to call the police. I'm sure everyone will feel more secure knowing where the ground stands... but you know that would require humility.

  16. Kind of a dense paragraph there partner. Let me guess: You are not an English major

  17. I am lucky not to live to close to the party houses. If I did I would be concerned about talking to the students at 1:00 AM. Look how they treat the police. How are they going to treat me. Drunks at any age are a crap shoot to deal with. I do believe that most students are good but the handful that are bad are really bad.

  18. And those are the ones that need to be expelled from school and evicted from their party house.

  19. Larry, you don't even leave it open for a debate. You are just a pompous ass, there is a chance for dialogue here but you'd rather not engage and complain. Sickening that you consider yourself a conservative, but would engage in character assassination rather than action. For your information sir, I am not an English major. Apparently neither are you. My point could be made in a paragraph so I did it as such, but you can sit there and act as though none of my questions have merit. Its fine, you are clearly a lemming anyway.
