Friday, September 7, 2012

Thirsty Thursday

 80 Belchertown Road, Amherst (busy Route 9)

And so it begins...Well actually last week at this time it began, so I guess it should read, "Here we go again."

Amherst Police Department arrested ten "college aged" youth for open container or underage drinking violations, all within a beer can throw of UMass.   APD also  shut down a usual suspect party house (managed by Kendrick Management) at 80 Belchertown Road (busy Route 9) last night between 10:41 PM and 11:28 PM that required three patrol units to quell. 

Because of the nature of the noise, litter, and number of under aged youth present at the party, the responsible tenants were arrested for Noise and Nuisance House violations ($600 total in fines for each).

Sean Behrendt, 99 Valley View, Sparten, NJ, age 21 (UMass student)
Kurt Boyd, 7 Buckboard Dr, Westford, MA, age 21 (UMass student)
Michael Couillard, 460 Mammoth Rd, Dracut, MA, age 20 (UMass student)
Zachery Tucker, 1 Bittern Rd, Quincy, MA, age 20 (the exception)


  1. Slander/Libel! UMass is not encouraging this drinking!

  2. Ultimate defense against libel/slander is the truth.

  3. The ultimate defense against fun is your prudishness.

  4. Glad to hear it.

    Some people speak for the trees, and some people speak for the neighborhoods' peace and quiet.

    And some, like me, do both.

  5. Is that right to give all of there information like that.. Seems a little overdone

  6. Actually it's "their information."

    And for $10 you can buy from the Town Clerk an Amherst Street List that gives the names, addresses and birth dates of all the citizens of Amherst over the age of 17.

    Yeah, go figure.

  7. Living next to one of the houses you've featured here Larry I appreciate when you do these. Most of these kids could care less about being respectful to neighbors and blast music and yell like idiots late at night. 

  8. And unfortunately these houses are spread throughout Amherst, not just immediately adjacent to UMass/Amherst.

    This one is on Belchertown Road, fairly close to the Belchertown line-- about as far away from UMass as you can get and still be in Amherst.

  9. I just think by living in Amherst you know that it is a college town and need to let the kids have their fun. If you want to live in peace and quiet don't live in a town with a huge party school that has been known as the ZOO since the 70s. Don't be that boring adult that tries to ruin these kids college experience.

  10. Spoken like a Cowardly Anon Nitwit who does not live near them (or for all I know IS one of "them").

    And just for the record, I live nowhere near a party house (at least not yet).

  11. My family has lived in this town since you were probably a twinkle in your daddy's eye. When adults work eight hours they have a right to go home and relax in peace and quiet, maybe when you grow up you'll understand.  

  12. As an adult who does that work 8 hours a day (and you're lucky it's only 8) I don't live next to the railroad tracks without a few whistles.

    News flash;

    My family has been here since 1794 according to records. Does my vote count more than yours? No. Because the amount of time you spend in one place is literally irrelevant to almost everything.

    It's how the real world works outside of happy valley.

  13. It doesn't matter who's one of "them" and who's not. if you have time to comment on an amherst blog you are obviously not tired enough to need so much sleep after an 8 hour job.

  14. Arrest records for anyone 18 or over are public information. It is not only not "overdon," it's important information.

    Running screaming through the streets of a residential neighborhood at 2 a.m. is not an essential part of the "true college experience." This kind of excuse-making is what leads to the situation we now have where residents have to hire their own private security to keep the peace.

    Part of the true college experience is growing up and learning how to live as a responsible member of society.

  15. I am one of the owners of this house. We arent bad people, we let our house get out of control and i applogize. Dont look at us like we are the worst thing to happen in this town. We messed up but learn from mistakes. Im sure you all were young once. Wont happen again.

  16. I hope not. But if it does, it will get reported again.

    And Google has a very long memory.

  17. Thank you for the apology. I certainly hope you can have small, reasonably quiet parties. Yes, we do expect parties, and students having fun. But we also expect respect. So again, thank you for the apology.

  18. This Michael Couillard is a stand up guy, and it speaks volumes about his character that he apologized, and also that he used his name. You go Michael. I think you did the right thing apologizing and hope you do well in the future at college and in your career.

  19. Refreshing indeed. What journo editors refer to as a "man bites dog story." (worth doing)

  20. What does a young college student know about what the UNiversity of Massachusetts has or has not been since the 1970s. Got news for you young college students. Your memory goes all the way back to what, 1991? Wow!

    You must be a wealth of information. You were born before the internet went graphical. Incredible.

    College is not a place to go to learn how to drink yourself into oblivion. Only a real dumb ass would spend the kid of money they charge today to go to college to learn how to drink.

    Hey, dumb ass: Learning to drink yourself stupid is relatively cheap in the short term. Costs about the cost of a cheap 12 pack.

    Of course, someone with the goal of drinking himself stupid on a weekly basis will have serious long term consequences.

    Gee, I hope like hell you've left town by then.

  21. Couillard said at September 8, 2012 3:18 PM...
    "I am one of the owners of this house. We arent bad people, we let our house get out of control and i applogize. Dont look at us like we are the worst thing to happen in this town. We messed up but learn from mistakes. Im sure you all were young once. Wont happen again."

    This comment makes no sense. The 20-year-old UMass student named Michael Couillard does not OWN the house at which he was arrested on September 6. Why is saying he is one of the owners of the house?

    According to Town of Amherst records, the house at 80 Belchertown Road is owned by one Keith Kaneta, acting as a trustee for Kendrick Property Management.

    I doubt any 20-year-old UMass partier is taking the time to put down his Solo cup long enough to read, et alone post a comment, on this blog.

    Was this post written by little Mikey's dad? Just a guess,

  22. I think you are reading too much into Couillard saying he is one of the "owners" of the house. I think he meant to say "residents" of the house. He was just trying to indicate he was someone responsible and not just one of the partiers. That's my guess.
    More importantly - why are we trying to discuss his comment in this way. Why aren't we saying "good for him - he is owning up to his responsibility to be a better town resident!" Isn't this what we wish all students would say. Admit he made a mistake, take responsibility and then pledge to never let it happen again! I hope he is able to live up to his words. The proof will be in the pudding. But I for one appreciate his post and his efforts.

  23. Okay you want to get technical? I am "living" at the house. Stop trying to act intelligent because you notice little rediculous mess ups in my apology and call me out for them. We all know its just an act. At least i used me name and admitted i was wrong. Coward wont even use your own? And yes i wrote this because it looked bad on my name not everyone has there parents for everything. Jackass

  24. I like Cowardly Anon Nitwit a little better, but "Jackass" will do. Jackass indeed!

  25. As an Amherst resident I am surprised at the ignorance of the people who have commented on the blog as if this was the first time a party such as this has transpired. It amuses me at the lack of memory people have surrounding the school and town as well. The school was previously infamous for constant riots and out of control parties, hence the name "Zoomass". If you recall how out of control these events got, you would understand that parties like this are not rare in this town and it accomplished little to nothing by bashing on the homeowners. It's important to maintain peace within the city but let's not be blind to the fact that you have over 20,000 student in a small town, parties are going to happen. And to every old curmudgeon who feels the need to bash young college students over a damn party needs to open their eyes and ears around them because they clearly do not know what goes on every Thur, Fri, or Sat at any college. Yes, even students at Amherst College have parties, shocking I know. Maybe if some of my fellow Amherst residents used their voice to help lower tuition and fees from colleges in the U.S., kids in the area wouldn't feel the need to drown their sorrows.
