Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Scenes From A Sad Day

The Lord Jeff Inn had a commemorative flag at half staff
Dump Truck loaded with flags parked in front of Town Hall all day
A flag bearing all the names of casualties that day

APD and AFD come to attention for the ringing of the bells

Town officials, Ellen Story, and just regular folks
Had to get a second angle, with town flag at half staff in background
Amazing Grace.  Republican Photographer Michael Beswick did not start work officially till 4:00 PM, but came to cover 9:45 AM fire department ceremony
Caravan of trucks, jeeps, Harley Davidson's all with flags flying roared thru town repeatedly in the late afternoon, doing a circuit between downtown and UMass
Last year, on the 10th anniversary, another Springfield MassLive photographer, Greg Saulmon, came and took this photo
This morning, 9/12, the Lord Jeff went back to their pre-9/11 no flag status.  To polarizing I guess Fellow


  1. Did UMass do their flag display this year outside the student union? I'm disappointed you didn't take photos of that campus, though it is a bit expected.

  2. thanks again larry for updates on today's developments. and thanks to all who participated today in honoring the fallen and our nation.

    ~bill r.

  3. I'm always amazed by people like Larry, who can work full-time as a stay-at-home dad, and can also somehow manage to devote so much time and energy to doing what they love, despite no monetary compensation. Larry, you are truly an inspiration.

    Thank You.

  4. That caravan of trucks made themselves look like real asses by honking their horns, yelling at people and then collectively blowing the stop sign on Spring St. Is this really what people think rememberance for the dead is about?

  5. Yeah, nothing says patriotism like a dirty old dump truck with a bunch of flags stuck in the back.

  6. One word: beautiful.

    Thank you Larry.

  7. Thank you for the report Larry. Great pictures.

  8. "Scenes From A Sad Day"
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    Uncle Sam said...
    Did UMass do their flag display this year outside the student union? I'm disappointed you didn't take photos of that campus, though it is a bit expected.

    September 12, 2012 12:05 AM

    Anonymous said...
    thanks again larry for updates on today's developments. and thanks to all who participated today in honoring the fallen and our nation.

    ~bill r.

    September 12, 2012 12:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "I'm always amazed by people like Larry, who can work full-time as a stay-at-home dad, and can also somehow manage to devote so much time and energy to doing what they love, despite no monetary compensation. Larry, you are truly an inspiration."

    Are you kidding me?!?! How hard is it to devote time and energy to things you love doing when the kids are IN SCHOOL!!!! Inspiration? The ones who give me inspiration are those who work full time outside the home AND also are able to devote time and energy to the things they love doing AND have time to keep up their household duties as well!!! What Larry does is NOT exceptional in the least!

  9. It was a sad day. A sad day that our town found a fitting way to memorialize, as it had always planned to and done before, unlike the inaccurate portrayal in the media.

  10. Even when the media got it 100% correct the hate mail started to flow (Springfield Republican Masslive for instance, three days before the Fox News story).

  11. Yeah, real patriots that lot.

  12. I'm not sure about that dig on the Inn not flying the flag this morning. Can you explain that one? Why are they at fault, though they met your "9/11 grievance conditions."

  13. Because prior to their $15 million renovation they always flew a flag from that pole.

    Every quaint historic country inn needs an American flag.

  14. Nobody lives up to Larry's standards.

    He is a very exacting man.

  15. When it comes to simple respect, yeah.

  16. I am ever so curious, Larry, what you think of other country's flags. For example, my wife was born and raised in Iran. She loves her country and its people. I'm quite sure that you would be the first to agree that respect knows no borders or color. Yet, if we wanted to fly our flag, in our town, to show respect for our kind, would posting it on our town hall ruffle your feathers of indignation?

  17. Also, what "country inns" have a wine bar, elegant outdoor gas heating, and $400+/night rooms to rent? You are clearly living in some idyllic, fairy tale village where the shodden horse hoofs pound the dusty ground along Main St. I think this Frost-like town you imagine is phony and really cramps the rest of our styles. The Amherst you see and envision simply doesn't gel with anyone's sensibilities around here. This isn't a Rockwell painting, brother, it's the 21st century. Your Utopia packed up and moved to Tajikistan.

  18. This isn't Iran, but if you flew it in conjunction with the US flag and according to US flag code I am sure it would be alright with us.

    And when Iran releases another critique of the US I will be sure not to burn the flag and call for death threats against it's creator.
