Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Better Never Than Late

FitWomen Amherst. Stock, generic website = Metaphorical

A full year after I first warned the world about the impending return of the fitness zombie, Peter Earle, his humble storefront has finally opened for business.  They must have an overly understanding landlord.

Now I'm told by way of a attempted comment this morning on my original 9/30/11 post that the operation is actually run by his wife (makes sense, since it is a "women only" operation) and they currently have only 90 members.

Well that ought to pay the rent, maybe, this month. But those members may not want to make the mistake of paying for an entire year up front.  At least a third of all businesses fail in their start up year, obviously an even higher percentage for those businesses opened by someone who already failed three times at the same concept.

Fitness centers are like newspapers, in that credibility is everything.  And when you have gone out of business like Mr. and Mrs. Earle --without reimbursing members -- your credibility is close to zero. 


  1. How can women only businesses exist in this age striving towards equality? Menino better not let this discriminating franchise into Boston!

    Equality for all should extend from equal pay to equal business usage to drafting both genders.

  2. While state law allows women-only athletic facilities, the Goodrich (gay marriage) decision was based on the state constitution's (1976?) ERA amendment. In Massachusetts, one may make no legal distinction between males and females - that is what no one has really realized about the gay marriage decision.

    Unlike the California case decided on due process, Marshall's decision was based solely on the state's ERA provision in the State Constitution.

    Someone ought to challenge those people. I thought Amherst was against discrimination -- oh, wait, folk only "talk the talk" in Amherst...

  3. Dr. Ed: I'd love to see you reincarnated into a female next time around, walking into a co-ed gym. Not for the faint-of-heart. You may call it discrimination. I call it a total relief.

  4. Wait a minute, Anon 2 p.m: I don't know which "co-ed gym" you are talking about.

    "Not for the faint-of-heart"?? Come on.

    As a regular male member of the local Hampshire Athletic Club, I have never seen inappropriate behavior there. I'm not opposed to the opportunity for the market to include all-women health clubs. There is no need "to challenge those people", as Dr. Ed, in his daily dose of fruitless bravado, suggests.

    But let's not exaggerate the discomfort issue. Many of us men go to exercise, not ogle females. Give us a break.

    It's hard to exceed Dr. Ed on the ridiculousness scale, but you've managed it.

  5. Well, you speak on behalf of the male species. You know not whereof you speak when you minimize the "discomfort issue," and putting my comment on the "ridiculousness scale" kind of says it all. Demeaning, disrespectful, and utterly clueless.

  6. .. female next time around, walking into a co-ed gym.

    Would it be anything like being hit on by gays? Would you support a heterosexual-only gym?

    I didn't think so. Equal rights for thee but not for me...

  7. Many of us men go to exercise, not ogle females

    And many females go to be "ogled" -- and not just by men.

    Women are competitive amongst each other and have a dark side of wanting to show that "mine is better than yours."

    My children are smarter than yours, my husband is more successful than yours, my butt & breasts are better than yours.

    And hence I have to ask which is worse -- a guy who notices that you have breasts or a gal who is critically identifying every single defect in them and who will broadcast the same to the community within the hour.

    Which gender is going to be able to count the number of grey hairs you have as you walk by?

    And you are worried about the guys????

  8. One more thing -- you want to walk into a place where you know there are no men. Well, everyone else knows that too.

    In other words, they aren't going to have husbands and boyfriends coming out with them - or be able to make a credible claim that he is just a few steps right behind and will make short work of the creep if he doesn't leave quick.

    Personally, I don't think this is any more likely to be a problem than I think that women are being subjected to unwanted heterosexual advances in coed environments. But if I am wrong on the latter, then, well....

  9. 28 bAnd then this:

    But that is not embarrassing. Nor are the tampon ads on TV now. Nope, nothing to worry about. But some guy seeing me in exercise garb, oh-my-God-the-WORLD-WILL-END....


  10. I am shocked, SHOCKED that FitWomen has even 90 members and I wonder where they came from.

    Ms. Earle seems better than her husband but there is still absolutely no way I would support or trust this new enterprise. With the Leading Edge, they were still selling long-term memberships up until they closed. Did anyone get their $ back? At least the employees finally got paid.

    With demise of the Leading Edge/Golds, some of their former instructors/trainers ended up at well-established area gyms, and others started their own. All of these places seem women-friendly to me and I would rather join any of these gyms than anything the Earles are part of.

    And isn't it interesting that months after setting up shop, the FitWomen web site lists not a single person affliated with this new facility, not even Ms. Earle's, the owner/manager.

  11. After reading what the dear doctor says,you really think I was wrong about the hand lotion?

  12. Dr Ed: Your comments are inane, and dare I say, ridiculous.

  13. Dr. Ed Cutting, your sexist comments have sunk to a new low. And considering your bizarre past comments that is saying alot. It isn't surprising that you are still trolling this blog instead of finding a way to truly contribute to society.
