Tuesday, September 25, 2012

33 Phillips Street

 33 Phillips Street, Amherst
UPDATE: October 3
So poor Paul Markham must be feeling the heat, as he took his silly ode to UMass party culture, "Welcome to the Zoo" down after garnering 90,000 hits on YouTube.  Maybe his roomies were unhappy with him shouting out this address. 

UPDATE 5:15 PM original day of publication
This post just became my #1 of all time for single day reads.

On Monday morning at 6:45 AM, APD did a follow up visit to 33 Phillips Street, owned by Knight Properties LLC,  to hand deliver a nuisance house ticket for rowdy behavior that occurred late Saturday early Sunday morning.

Apparently it's one of those upstairs/downstairs problems where one floor does not wish to party as hardy as the other, but since the living arrangements are so, umm, close quarters that can make things a tad  difficult.  Especially at 1:45 AM.

The previous weekend APD responded to the same address, called  by a first floor neighbor concerned about hoards of kids -- like something out of the zombie apocalypse -- trying to get to the upstairs apartment, even if by climbing over railings and trying to break in via windows.  

Some of you younger hipsters may recognize the address, 33 Phillips Street (yes, one of my Party House of the Weekend frequent mentions).   Besides being the half-way party house in a row of party houses, 33 Phillips is also home to infamous white rapper Paul Markham.

So proud of the address that he immortalize it in his forgettable video "Welcome to the Zoo (UMass Amherst)" last year with a shout out (unfortunately you have to watch most of the video to hear it). 

Well if these $300 tickets keep accumulating, maybe Mr. Markham will drop his floundering rap career and start singing the blues.

 ETOH = Alcohol overdose

AFD Runs Late Sept:12


  1. Could you publish a list of lawyers that help homeowners sue slumlords in their neighborhood? I'm considering filing suit because the rentals around Lincoln, Fearing, and Phillips are dramatically reducing my own property value.


  2. My alma mater Amherst College was a significant contributor to the ETOH burden in this list -- half as many calls as UMass with only 10% of the student population (I guess more like 20% of the dorm population).

  3. Blogger...Are you retarded? I am asking you in all seriousness. First of all, what kind of professional journalist states "um" in the middle of an article. And secondly, you cant just release someones name like that. Thirdly, the video was far from forgettable. And finally, get a real job and stop watching college youtube videos.

  4. Umm, I think Mr. Markham released his own name ... to somewhere in the vicinity of 90,000 people.

    Kind of makes it, you know, PUBLIC.

  5. Anon 9:40 - You should have thought about the potential of that before you moved next door to UMass, especially right near Southwest. To not think that your neighborhood could potentially be occupied by students moving off campus is naive.

    The houses next to you have already been sold and there's no way they'd actually be sold back to families, so taking the time/money to use one of those lawyers would be a waste. My suggestion - get out, and get out fast.

  6. paul doesn't live there anymore. he lived there last year. Let me just say, it's pretty soft that you turned on the comment moderation on this. College parties aren't going to stop. Get over it. Handing out nuisance fines that are easily fightable isn't going to get it done. stop acting like you're so overjoyed that these guys have to dish out what little money they have to the town.

  7. Since you're lying about Markham living there (verified by 2 reliable sources), I have to question anything you say. But then, you are a CAN, so I would have questioned it anyway.

  8. Fightable? Let me guess, you're an english major.

  9. I should expect to live among slumlords if I buy near Southwest? I don't believe slumlords are in the right anywhere - at least where the law is concerned. I think the judge should be the one to determine that one.

  10. Good ol' Larry. Never made it out of his little town, still here, spending the one precious life he has arguing on the internet with transient teenage college students.

    But it's important work! I'm making my hometown a better place!

  11. Larry I hope you realize your stupid blog isn't going to change a thing in Amherst. You're powerless and no one cares about what an old grumpy fart has to say about college partying. Come back to Earth please.

  12. Take a look at my running pageview count top right.

    All summer long it barely broke 28,000 per month. Since September 1st it has increased exponentially.

    And maybe some of those readers are Moms, Dads, or guardians of arrested students.

  13. You're powerless and no one cares about what an old grumpy fart has to say about college partying. <-- So you won't ever grow up, Peter Pan?

  14. Your blog may break the 28,000 views a month, but I think its more students than you believe. Every time you post one of the students, you are truly ruining a part of their lives. I don't even care if I am contributing to these numbers, but you really are insufferable and I can name multiple adults who live and work in this town who feel the same way. And I'm a student, not someone who has lived in the area his whole life. YOU really want to make a difference in this town? Stop pissing of the biggest job creators, leaders of various councils in this town, as well as fighting losing fights. Its funny, apparently your parents never told you a life long lesson: Stay out of other peoples business. You've said it yourself; you don't live near a "party house", how has this affected your life?

  15. Let me see if I get this straight:

    If someone in an adjacent building complains about noise, the APD arrests the tenants of the party house.

    But if the people living UNDER the party house, i.e. 1st Floor tenants, i.e. other college kids complain about noise, the APD merely shows up on Monday with a summons.

    Now maybe there are a few more facts that you might want to add, but exactly why weren't these schmucks arrested when they arrest everyone else?

    Or is it a case that while everyone is equal in Amherst, some people are more equal than others....

  16. APD routinely does follow up visits to the scene of out of control events such as this one.

  17. Stop pissing of the biggest job creators, leaders of various councils in this town, as well as fighting losing fights.<-- And where do you think a lot of UMass professors live? Which council in Town does UMass lead? Look, we get it: You don't like Larry. What about the problem of binge drinking, "parties" that are really mob scenes which often turn to violence (even if it's "only" hurling rocks and bottles at the police), little children afraid to go to sleep at night because they hear drunken females screaming? You're telling us all to move. What if we were all black and the students were all white? Would you still tell us to move? What if YOUR parents moved next door to a party house?

    BTW, the University is making more attempts than ever to stop pissing off the Town. Ask the Chancellor, Swami.

  18. Greedy Ponzivillers speaking nonsenseSeptember 26, 2012 at 8:47 AM

    "Its funny, apparently your parents never told you a life long lesson: Stay out of other peoples business."




  19. 33 Phillips Street

    Owned by:

    29 NORTH ST.
    LEXINGTON MA 02421

    Stephan and Angela-
    What are your actions going to be regarding this house???

  20. What if we were all black and the students were all white?

    No. The question to ask is what if UMass was a "historically black college" and the students were black.

    Do you not think that everyone from the ACLU to the NAACP wouldn't be all over you? Larry would be on the ADL's hate-watch list. Etc.

    I am sure you all know of Kent State University -- racism is why you don't know about Jackson State University and the shootings there. The situation that led to the Jackson incident is identical, IMHO, to that of Amherst today, except that it is hometown rather than skin color that identifies groups.

    And Larry, you missed my point. Townie complains of noise, APD arrests. Students complain of noise and APD follows up with paperwork the next day. That is not the same thing......

  21. The ultimate irony -- the Gharabegian's have a 3rd & 5th grader (note story was from 2010).


    I will say again, exercise the police power of the town to hold OWNERS (not management company but OWNERS) responsible for their properties. Depending on traffic, it can be a 4-hour round trip from Lexington to Northamption, I doubt he would want to make it more than once or twice -- and if it is a criminal ordinance, I think you can make his wife have to appear as well.

    I am sure they would love to explain to their little children why Mommy & Daddy have to go out to Western Mass....

  22. And whatever happened to the apartment rental registry and inspection ordinance?

  23. I would like to tell you Larry Kelley. You must be the biggest dousche bag that has ever lived in the "republic of Amherst." You have stooped so low to waste your god given life to creep around the great streets of Amherst finding garbage. You blog about things that only creepy pedifials would waste their lives obsessing over. Some advice for you Laryy - Get a life. Take your one life and live it instead of wasting it fighting for a cause you are sadly going to lose terribly. UMass will live on forever and no man will ever divert the path we will forever pave. YOU SUCK

  24. As long as I'm up against illiterate schmucks like you, I can't lose.
