Thursday, August 2, 2012

Main Street Molasses

 Main Street Gauntlet

If you are heading all the way to the top of Pelham Hill from Amherst town center you now have to negotiate a new--yet another--road construction project that started today:  Resurfacing Main Street, which of course leads directly to Amherst Road.

And yes, Amherst Road is closed during weekday business hours for a sewer line construction project.

Warner Brothers won the bid for the Main Street renovation, and like almost all the projects around town it's expected to be completed by the end of the month.  The town is using Community Development Block Grant funds ($ from heaven) to pay for it.   

Meanwhile everyone keeps saying Atkins Corner second roundabout will be open for traffic by August 15.  But then town officials also said the War Memorial Pool would be open June 23rd, then June 30, then... stopped making predictions.

Let's hope this time they are correct.


  1. Road work is a necessary inconvenience. I only wish they would be more realistic with their time tables. Don't claim something will "only take a few days" when it's clear in advance that it will be like eight weeks. I bet the Snell project wont wrap up until the first snowfall.

  2. Former Main Street ResidentAugust 2, 2012 at 2:53 PM

    "... which of course becomes Amherst Road at the intersection with South East Street."

    Actually, Main Street continues to be Main Street until it crosses the Fort River (which is after the intersection with South East Street), at which point it becomes Pelham Road. It doesn't become Amherst Road until you cross into Pelham.

  3. The Pioneer Valley's nickname should be the "Big Dig." So many detours and road closures in and out of Amherst. One highlight, is that you really get to know the area more when driving on roads you might not of.

  4. They need to repave Station Road between Amherst Woods and the Belchertown Line. There are pot holes everywhere and it has been like that for two-years.

  5. I agree with posters- but with a commute to Westfield each day- I know its not just Amherst-

    With two bridges out- The award for most confusing area is Leeds center- where one detour (Kennedy Rd) leads to an intersection where a second detour begins (River Rd)
