Friday, August 31, 2012

Amherst Flies Commemorative Flags

 Commemorative flags went up this morning, but will come down on Tuesday

Yeah, for Labor Day.

Labor Day is not really a festive party-hardy kind of care free holiday, it is supposed to "commemorate" the struggle -- punctuated by violence -- to bring about safer working conditions for the tired, huddled masses of workers via unions.   Strength in numbers.

How many employees trudged to work on that stunningly beautiful  morning almost eleven years ago, reporting for duty to the Twin Towers or police and fire houses in New York City, or the Pentagon, or Logan International Airport, never to return?

How does it make them feel?!


  1. I'm in the "lots of flags == celebration" camp. And Labor Day celebrates workers, yes?

    One flag at half-staff would match my mood on 9/11. Or since it was twin towers that fell, two flags, next to each other, at half staff.

  2. That's funny because you voted yes five years ago to having them fly annually on 9/11 for as long as the Republic stands.

    But then, so did Stephanie O'Keeffe.

  3. Don't worry, as it is my understanding, though I graduated. that UMass students will again plant American flags throughout the town. I also hope they give any leftovers to APD/AFD as I did back then as a symbol of our thanks. We may not be able to touch the flagpoles in town, but our campus will never forget (even if our dolt professor claims it is "a sign of death.")

  4. Larry
    You made fox news!!Way to go man.

  5. I still have a pretty good contact there.
