Friday, August 3, 2012

Amherst Creperie craps out

So if you are a downtown Amherst business struggling even before heading into the Dog Days of Summer--when the college students have migrated away--the hot weather only adds jet fuel to the slow burn. And then, puff, you're gone.

Yes, this particular location is one of the highest per square foot rents in Amherst, so you better be exceedingly good with what you offer. And with Antonio's Pizza only three doors down, it probably should not be food related.

The Daily Collegian reported


  1. A cajun/louisiana style restaurant is going in there.

  2. The turnover rate of Amherst businesses in downtown is disturbing.

    But does anyone in government care?

    When the authorities are asleep about what the signage says about when you can park where, one begins to wonder. We seem to be discouraging folks from coming downtown.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The turnover rate of Amherst businesses in downtown is disturbing.

    Hit the NAIL right on the HEAD, with that comment!!!

  4. Gee, what a surprise. That part of the block is like a revolving door. The rest of Amherst is fairly stable. Black Sheep, Lone Wolf, Panda Garden, they all have been around a long time. They have landlords that don't try to squeeze every last penny out of them.

  5. Or most likely they have owners who have the correct business model....

  6. To many of us, a crepe is dessert, no matter that they had savory crepe on the menu. However, the service was very slow, usually due to people getting ice cream.

    And it was expensive for the working lunch crowd -- a good two to three dollars more than Antonio's.

  7. anon 10:53 you forgot the typewriter store

  8. Sign out front tonight said a Gumbo restaurant was "Coming Soon" ... and in 6 months it will be leaving soon.

  9. He sold it for a quarter of a million dollars - would any of you refuse that offer? Good for the young man.. anyone who met him understands the business genius that was him. Interested to see where that young man ends up.. probably on top of some Fortune 500 company!

  10. Then why is it becoming a Cajun restaurant?

    Or did the buyer decide to move it to Hollywood and call it "Hollywood Creperie"?

  11. Happy to be a local business patron, and always make them my first choice, but I'm not going to pay for sales tax and parking. It's not worth it (to me). The difference is only a few bucks, but my paycheck seems to not be much more.
