Monday, July 2, 2012

Water, water, everywhere...

War Memorial Pool 3:00 PM Today (presumably the water will be less green for Opening Day)


  1. I can't wait for the pool to re-open. Is the schedule for lap swim posted on LSSE website?

  2. Hooray! Saturday will be 95 degrees!

  3. is the pool going to be open on Saturday?

  4. I predict there will be a big announcement on the 4th and it'll be open for business on Thursday, July 5.

  5. It's now full of water (although it still looks a tad cloudy).

  6. Why is the water green and cloudy? Are they not pumping in Town Water, or are they emptying a nearby swamp? If this is drinking water, God help us! Check the deep end for bodies at the end of the day :/

  7. Do you think the E Longmeadow Dad (aka owner) of the house on East Pleasant St could spring for a lawn mower? (a kawn service would be even better)

    Lots of rentals looking crappy this summer- Town should fine landlords for mattresses (McClellan St) and couches left on lawns more than a month after students have left
