Monday, July 23, 2012

Tequila, Cocaine & Speed

 Amherst Police Department

Amherst police arrested three young ladies, all of them UMass students, just off campus early Sunday morning. Two of them--the drivers--potential killers.  Yes, alcohol played a major role.  

According to APD logs: 
Vehicle stopped for speed 45+ in a 25 MPH zone (1:52 AM).  Operator displayed signs of impariment due to alcohol and consented to a Field Sobriety Test.  As the operator exited the vehicle, she attempted to conceal a large open bottle of tequila under the seat.  The operator performed FST's satisfactorly however she was found to be 20 years old so placed under arrest.  During the inventory search, a passenger's purse was located with a plastic baggie inside containing a white powder that field tests positive for cocaine.  Passenger placed under arrest.  The sole party in the vehicle that was 21years of age was summoned to court for procurring alcohol to minors.  Vehicle towed by Ernie's Towing.  

Claire Rowat, Brook Street, Sherborn, MA, age 20.  Under 21 possession, Open Container, Speeding
Aulona Halilaj, Catalpa Circle, Worcester, MA, age 21, Drug possession Class B


(3:40 AM) Vehicle stopped for entering into oncoming lane of travel.  Operator displayed signs of impairment.  FST's indicated impairment at .134% BAC.  Operator placed under arrest for OUI.

Christina Moroney, Harrison Avenue, Peabody, MA, age 20, OUI, Marked Lanes Violation

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