Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sizzling Saturday

The shade structure was even most popular than the water this morning at War Memorial Pool gala.  Color Guard at ease

Town officials must be doing something right as New England weather continues to provide stunningly beautiful backdrops for milestone outdoor events, today being the long awaited, long overdue grand opening ceremony for the War Memorial Pool.

The pool was scheduled to open June 23, then postponed by a week until June 30, and finally opened on July 8 under a brilliant clear sky.  The wading pool, however, still sits empty and town officials have not offered an opening date.

Stan Ziomek:  Raised private funds to build the pool 60 years ago; helped convince Amherst Town Meeting to renovate/revive it
Once again the pool is free and open to the public today until 6:00 PM.  LSSE, the overseers of outdoor pools, responded to public input and tweaked/expanded their hours for general usage.
Town Manager John Musante and SB Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe forgot their bathing suits

War Memorial Pool Open Swim

Mon.-Fri. 11 am-1 pm
Sat. & Sun. 10 am-1 pm

New Hours at War Memorial Pool:
Adult Lap Swim:
Mon.-Fri. 11 am-1 pm
Sat. & Sun. 10 am-1 pm

Open Swim:
Mon.-Fri. 11 am-5 pm
Sat. & Sun. 10 am-6 pm
Wading pool still awaiting water


  1. Are only the war memorial pool hours expanded or do the expanded hours also include the mill river pool?

  2. FYI, according to the person on the phone at LSSE, the pool still has open swim 7-8 p.m. weekdays. When I called, I said that the notice about the expanded hours does not mention the evening hours and that others might be confused, as I was, but it doesn't look like they've corrected/clarified their notice.

  3. everytime I call LSSE and ask anything about the pool hours I get some confusing answers, and sometimes even the pools themselves don't seem to know themselves. This morning I called War Memorial pool and was initially told that open swim started at 1 pm. When I mentioned the email that was sent out by the town with the extended pool hours, I was then told that yes, there are extended hours now, but at the moment, there were a lot of lap swimmers using the WM Pool so if my family came for open swim then, we might have to wait a while to be able to use the pool. The LSSE web site still has the original hours.

    Unless the town does more to let both the public and its own pool employees know when improvements in the pool hours are made, few people will be able to take advantage of them.

    LSSE needs better marketing of its pools. They are a great community resource.

    Thank you for posting the new hours. Let's see how long it take the town to do the same. They went into effect last Thurs.

  4. I believe the extended open swim hours are only for the War Memorial pool at this point, not for Mill River. The email sent out by the town on Wed giving the new hours only mentioned War Memorial.
