Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Party House of the Weekend

Hey just because it's the middle of the summer in a bucolic college town like Amherst doesn't mean the few, the proud have to stand down.  These kids are holding down the party fort until reinforcements arrive next month.

According to APD logs (1:24 AM early Saturday)

RP reports loud voices in area

Arrived on scene and observed a female party climbing into a second floor window from the porch roof.  Loud voices and laughing heard from the residence.  Guests did not open door for officers.  Several guests hid in another room with the door closed after being instructed to leave.  All residents under 21 years of age.  Yard/driveway house filled with empty or half empty beer cans and bottles.  Residents identified and advised they would be summonsed for TBL Unlawful Noise.

All three UMass students will be fined $300 and of course UMass officials will be made aware of the transgression.


  1. http://fitwomenamherst.com/

    Gym Zombie Criminals up and running and sending emails to former members of leading edge...


  2. I was surprised to get an email from these con artists this morning and assume they are using a list from the old gym to promote their new business.

    This seems very inappropriate (as they still owe many of us money) but also very sloppy (as my name is clearly male).

    I hope all of us (females and males) will spread the word that this new gym is owned by Pete Earle and that his business practices are shady, to say the least...

  3. I more noticed this:

    I am wondering if that is the scam -- he will reimburse members -- which means *he* is getting money from the insurance companies.

    If he has the personal information of people (say former Leading Edge folk) and he knows who has their health insurance -- a 1/5 shot or so -- and has a "helpful" person calling trying to "help" clear up confusion, how difficult would it be for him to tap into this benefit?

    In other words, unless you were already using your health plan benefit somewhere else, what is stopping him from just signing you up as a member and counting the payment from your insurance company as your membership fee?

    How would you or anyone else ever know? I once ran into this with a different benefit -- I had the paid-for eye exam done but wanted to have my glasses made somewhere else only to later find that I had already "received" my glasses too.
