Friday, July 27, 2012

Going to the dogs--in style!

 Pet Hotel Hadley, coming soon

Always nice to see a business opening in the Happy Valley that does not target UMass students.

With the pet care industry recession-proof and their new location about as perfect as you can get, situated halfway between Amherst and Northampton, the new luxurious Pet Hotel Hadley is destined to be the cat's pajamas. 

Two thirds of Americans own animals (about 86 million cats and 78 million dogs) so the market is nothing if not elephantine.

And since veterinary care accounts for the lions share of service oriented annual spending on pets this new operation--specializing in boarding and grooming--will probably not represent a significant threat to long-time local mom and pop operations like Dr. Katz's Hampshire Veterinary Hospital in Amherst or Valley Veterinary Hospital, also located in Hadley.


  1. --will probably not represent a significant threat to long-time local mom and pop operations like Dr. Katz's Hampshire Veterinary Hospital in Amherst or Valley Veterinary Hospital, also located in Hadley.

    Except Valley Vet Hospital also has a very nice pet boarding operation. You can even see you pet on a webcam when you are away.

  2. If UMass wasn't in Amherst this would be the first business opening since 1954.

  3. always nice to see prime farm soils go to concrete and blacktop...

  4. Don't you read your own links? It's called Valley Inn for Pets. Sounds like boarding now doesn't it?

  5. Yes, actually I do. That's is why I used the phrase "not represent a significant threat."

    And if I ever get around to doing an article on Central Rock Climbing Gym located adjacent to them I would point out that they are not a "significant" threat to Northampton Athletic Club, which does has a climbing wall component.

  6. "high end"

    Thank God my cat is fine with the neighbors checking in on her!

  7. "always nice to see prime farm soils go to concrete and blacktop..."

    You know, this a BIG country.

    There's more than enough open space for growing bland strawberries and cancer causing tobacco.

    F-ing moron.
