Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ghost Bike in Hamp Center

 Ghost Bike Northampton Center

A ghostly reminder of the  tragic crash that took the life of 18-year-old Harry Delmolino, a Hadley resident, appeared recently at the Pleasant/Main street intersection in the heart of Northampton, only yards from the exact spot where the car/bike collision occurred.  A battle the car always wins.

Ghost bikes are roadside memorials set up near the site of a fatal accident that has claimed the life of a cyclist.  In Amherst a ghost bike appeared on University Drive near the location of the crash that killed Misty Bassi.   Misty was killed on Memorial Day 2009 by a distracted driver on the wrong side of the road.

Another Ghost Bike appeared on Montague Road to commemorate the 9/12/09 hit and run death (never solved) of Blake Goodman.  Amazingly the bike was later vandalized by two young men wielding axes.


  1. It's very sad. And the texting while driving is no help.

  2. i knew harry from online chatrooms, he was a very good person with a sense of humor. he will be missed. - Jeremy
