Tuesday, June 5, 2012

From tiny acorns grow...

Four mighty oaks line west end of Kellogg Avenue (far left one cannot be saved)

Tree Warden Alan Snow will use a borrowed resistometer later this month to test the structural integrity of all the old trees along Kellogg Avenue.  But safe to say he has already decided the one closest to Rao's Coffee Shop--subject of a tree hugging Letter to the Editor in last week's Amherst Bulletin--will become kindling before summer turns to fall. 

Nobody seems to know exactly when they were planted, but guestimates are almost 100 years ago--so these statuesque specimens are barely middle aged.  During the freak October Halloween snowstorm one just down the road came crashing down almost hitting Ann Whalen Apartments, housing elderly, disabled and low income families.

33 Kellogg Ave

Last month Town Meeting approved borrowing $612,000 for 2,000 trees to be planted over the next three years. The cycle of life continues.

 Out of 16 pin oaks lining Kellogg Ave, at least three are slated for removal

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