Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The High Cost of Storage

28 Shays Street, Amherst

Amherst police had to be called (twice) to 28 Shays Street to attempt to settle a dispute over a stored 1980 Volkswagon Rabbit. Of course if new owner Michael Ben-Chaim gets approval on Thursday night from the Zoning Board of Appeals to double occupancy from a one family to a two family operation (allowing 8 unrelated housemates) the parking lot will be hosting a lot more cars.

 According to APD logs: Assist Citizen

Michael Ben-Chaim is now demanding payment for what was supposed to be a favor in return.  I explained this was a civil situation and it does not look favorable on Mr. Ben-Chaim as he was not allowing car to be returned.  Talked to the Reporting Party and explained to him how to proceed with the civil process.  Ben-Chaim also let it be known he was upset the neighborhood was seeking a stop order against him for building and RP confirmed Ben-Chaim was most likely looking to get money to fight the proceedings.

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