Saturday, May 26, 2012


I think perhaps my daughter Kira will start backing up my Public Documents requests from now on.


  1. Thanks. Should have used that in the headline.

  2. ha ha! good one larry. and perhaps the people you make these requests of should get minors to arm themselves with deadly weapons to protect themselves against your enforcer.

    funny stuff, larry! suggesting you'd have a child impale someone with a deadly weapon if they don't comply with your requests -- you crack me up!

  3. You will easily know it when I make a legitimate threat.

    Well...maybe not you in particular, as I don't waste time on Cowardly Anon Nitwits.

  4. Where was this taken larry? Is she taking lessons somewhere?

  5. you'll know it too, bro.

  6. Ponziville's bloated roachesMay 26, 2012 at 8:24 PM

    "i don't think the anon was saying he perceived an actual threat, but rather, that in this day and age your little joke is not funny at all. especially when you include minors.

    think about it, asshole."


    No Amherst, YOU think about it...

  7. Anon 3:18 PM
    She's taking a one month course over at Bramble Hill Farm across the street from our house.

    Class meets once a week for 1.5 hours with a max of 10 participants.

    The instructor is highly into it and even more highly safety conscious which, after 40 years of teaching kids martial arts, I can truly appreciate.

  8. See everyone, it's OK, the archery instructor emphasizes safety, and so his joke about threatening civil servants with death by arrow if they fail to comply with his requests is acceptable and appropriate.

  9. Is that 40 years in a row you've been a teacher, Larry? So since 1972? How old are you? Have you been teaching continuously, or did you start even earlier than 1972, and take a break somewhere along the line? You're not padding your resume... are you!?

  10. I wonder why someone asking where the photo was taken, who clearly is local, would choose to remain anonymous...

    ahoy, fellow nitwit!

  11. a page right out of larry's book: "go after the easiest targets."
