Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh say you can't miss

Amherst Town Center Sunday 12:25 PM

Amherst has broken out the really BIG ceremonial flag purchased last year to accompany the 29 commemorative flags in the downtown on the six holidays they are allowed to fly.  Friday of course the big one went up to honor and remember Memorial Day, so tomorrow it will be at half staff from sunrise until noon.

Today, as they have done for almost 40 years, the anti-war protesters showed up at high noon.  Although not as many as Occupy Amherst turned out yesterday, their longevity underscores a resolve that's hard to beat.

Weird lady shows up sporadically but keeps to herself (much to the relief of organized protesters).


  1. I am against war. However, I do not like the name calling of our soldiers who are doing what we tell them too. Does the woman pictured think the taliban don't kill babies or murder people?

    I protest the war because I do not want OUR people killed and maimed first.

  2. Ponziville's bloated roachesMay 27, 2012 at 2:38 PM

    It's not ok to deploy ~life saving~ drones but perfectly ok to eat yourself to death?!

    Lemme hear you say CRUNCH then!

  3. jesus is with the "weird lady".

    you're just a mean guy, larry.

  4. so we know "ponziville" is into physical fitness... hmmm...

    a couple of meanies.

  5. i don't like the name calling of a peaceful woman who has the right to sit and display her message. for all you know her son or daughter or husband was taken out in war, so chill out, name-calling bullies.

    and i support the obama administrations use of drones, just like you support the obama administrations use of drones.

  6. if larry were still in school, and he published a photo of a classmate and called her "weird", then published comments along with the photo online saying she is fat, and in a rude way, he would be ostracized and suspended for bullying.

    the students are gone; larry is looking for a direction to point his angry arrow. he raises his crossbow... steady... sw-i-i-i-i-i-sh... bullseye!

    Another perfect example of how kelley always aims for the closest, easiest target.

  7. Ponzi had an almost emotional reaction when someone called larry and "a**hole" a few posts ago...

    Ponzi seems to have a personal moment here with larry, laughing at the woman who wants the dying to stop, and calling her weird and fat...

    i wonder what color hair Ponzi has...

    you two are a couple of mean bullies, plain and simple.

  8. Ahhhh, the so aptly named "Only in The Republic of Amherst. Gotta love it. Grumpy, morbidly obese, and crappy looking poster boards. Yeah lady, you're really doing a lot of good. You can go home tonight and sleep well because you think you changed the planet for the better.

  9. If the posts are upsetting, don't read the blog. It's not mandatory you know.

  10. well, at least she is inadvertently helping to expose the mean bullies here in town.

  11. we're (the compassionate, sane people) are trying to severely reduce the amount of bullying that goes on in this town, if you don't get why, what effect it has, i can't possibly explain it to you.

    and now we have a father of one of our students here in town posting mean, bullying comments, with photos to boot, online.

    what an example, larry. thanks for the contribution.

  12. that is a chilling number if it is in fact correct: 60 million.

  13. right, 12:53...

    and if you don't like it when a kid, (it looks like we may have another one or two to watch out for now,) calls another more vulnerable kid weird and fat in school, just ignore it.

    i think larry should apologize. but of course he is of that ilk who has never admitted a mistake. all he did was modify the title of the post to make it more mean and insulting.

    yup, we get the completely uncensored, real deal, bully-boy larry here.

    does anyone have any stories to share of larry's bullying behavior while a student in the amherst schools?

  14. We love Roach Patrol!May 28, 2012 at 4:45 PM

    "you two are a couple of mean bullies, plain and simple."

    If you need me to be, well, ok.



  15. Yup, I think you got it, anon. We now know who posts the bizarre comments as "Ponzi". And, yes, a couple of bullies for sure.

  16. larry, will you please, in support of the thousands of students, parents, teachers and administrators, who are working on anti-bullying intiatives in our town and our schools, take down your mean, bullying post?

    your mean comments, and the mean comments you have published here for others, do not contribute in any way to a more positive school and town climate.

    especially considering that you are a parent of a student in the amherst public schools, i am surprised at your cruel, thoughtless actions.

    please, take it down, and support us in our anti-bullying efforts.


  18. Woah, I've never seen "Roach Patrol" ("ponzi") get defensive before! She's usually content to spew her cryptic, hateful messages, and sit back and enjoy. Never seen her respond to another CAN before!

    Indeed, it is so obvious now who "Roach Patrol" is!

    gimme a "D"...

  19. The weird lady does not look like an Amherst school kid to me.

  20. Yeah. OK. It seems like perhaps you REALLY don't get it.

  21. Did you hear that, kids? Once you graduate, throw it all out the window, you can start bullying. Larry recommends he closest, easiest target.

    Do you think it's possible she (the lady with the signs) has children or grandchildren in the schools, who may have to endure YOU calling HER weird and fat, for all to see, FOREVER and EVER? Maybe she has other relatives who love her who will read your hateful, bullying comments toward her?

    Aren't you a town meeting member? So you think Nathan is incredibly rude and out of order for saying "snowjob", but it's OK for you to call other residents "weird and fat". Is that how it goes? Oh my, don't "bully" any of Larry's "Good Ol' Boy and Girl" Network! Is it because you have "seniority" in this town ("I'm fifth generation Amherst") and you think that gives you special bullying privileges?

    We're trying to create an environment and a tone of CIVILITY here for our children to observe, and take out into the world with them.

    And you and "Roach Patrol" are sitting there, armed with your laptops, undermining that. You two are disgusting.

  22. Actually I never called her fat. Because I publish a comment does not remotely mean I agree with it. Take your idiot comment for instance.

    A lot of my veteran friends do not like the term "baby killer." "weird" is incredibly offensive, but you can call me "disgusting."

    And this from someone in a school system that allowed teen aged girls to scream the C-word in public.

  23. Larry, why did you change the original headline of this Post to "Oh say you can't miss"?

    How does that relate to the "story" here?

  24. Figures you don't get the reference to the opening line of the Star Spangled Banner.

    The "story" is the town putting up the bigger ceremonial flag for Memorial Day.

    My sly headline conjures up a historical reference to the really BIG flag that flew over Fort Sumter because the commanding officer wanted to be sure the Brits could see it.

    Unlike you, he had balls.

  25. Bullies ARE disgusting.
