Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guess who's coming to Amherst?

Donna Kelley, Ted Koppel and lots of newspapers

So my wife had the good fortune of sharing an airplane from Washington, DC to Bradley Airport this evening with none other than the iconic dean of mainstream journalism, Ted Koppel.

Mr. Koppel is keynote speaker at UMass Undergraduate Commencement ceremonies on May 11, but he and his wife are vacationing in our neck of the woods for the next week.

My friends at the Springfield Republican snag an exclusive interview


  1. And as for the Graduate graduation -- that I am not going to anyway -- we will get what schmuck?

    It isn't like graduate students are considered real people, mind you, we (no, THEY) are supposed to be there at 7 AM for the GETITDONEFAST graduation so that they can have the undergrad one on the same day.

    FUCK UMASS. That is all I can say.

    Of course, I am not going. And I am seriously considering telling them to take this doctorate and stuff it up their asses. And that says a lot about the student experience in this cesspool of a university and shithole of a town...


  2. Why isn't UMass tagged in the story tag line? Is this for forgetting to put Amherst on the license plate?

  3. I don't think they forgot to put Amherst on the license plate--it was deliberate.

  4. Yet another stellar entry from Ed.

  5. Ed, now that you have finally finished your degree, when are you leaving town?

  6. Ed
    Does this mean that you are finally going to leave this area and leave us in peace and quiet ?
    If so I will be able to believe now that there is a higher power looking out for those who are tired of your dribble.

  7. Ed, future "Unhappiest Employee of the Month." Employer beware.

  8. Larry,
    Do you seriously have to keep publishing Ed's tirades? We are all sick of them. It's enough to make me want to take a break from your blog until Ed leaves town.

  9. Well he usually signs his name top left corner in front of the diatribe.

    So I would suggest when you see "Ed said..." to simply not read it.

  10. I keep trying to not read them but it's hard - kind of like the weird human inclination to want to see the train-wreck. :)

    BTW - awesome that Donna got to meet Ted Koppel - he's a legend and a damn good reporter. I loved him on Nightline.

  11. Ed, now that you have finally finished your degree, when are you leaving town?


    I have decided to stay and fight the evil. Someone must slay the dragon and St. George is no where to be found.

    Why should I leave?

    The US Air Force have a saying -- "If they are shooting at you, it means you are over the target."

  12. Look at it this way:

    We know Ed's at his computer.

    If he can't post here, he could be at the top of one of the tall UMass buildings with a high-powered rifle.

    I'm not kidding.

  13. LMAO, Ed is a realist, he "gets it", he probably doesn't drink the tainted, dummy-downed public water :) I like him! Go Ed, Go!!!

  14. how do we know that Ed isn't posting on a portable device?

  15. How do we know that Ed isn't a dog in between breaks from playing poker?

  16. If there was no Ed, we'd have to invent him.


  17. If he can't post here, he could be at the top of one of the tall UMass buildings with a high-powered rifle.

    The interesting thing on this is that a normal person wouldn't be thinking of ANYONE on top of a building with a rifle, and thus to give an example like this says more about the person who gave it than anything else.

    If we are to wonder who's going for the roof with a weapon, it is far more likely going to be the schmuck who wrote this. After all, who's thinking about it???

    Seriously folks -- I dream of Federal Grand Juries and indictments, this other schmuck dreams of snipers on the roof. And whom should we be worried about????

  18. right, ed. and who goes off track almost every post to talk about assault against our kids, our cops, and rape of college students?

  19. Another "Ed" pattern...

    has anyone noticed that Ed's weirdest and most disturbing comments come in about 1:30 pm, a half hour after the bars close?

  20. Niiiiice, Ed. Very, very nice. I haven't seen such masterful spin in a long time; I'll bet even *you* believe it. You've managed to cast your abject fear of leaving this safe (albeit purportedly hateful) cocoon as some kind of bravery! Have you been taking PR lessons from Larry?

  21. assault against our kids, our cops, and rape of college students?

    So such things are not of concern in the Town of Amherst?

    Oh Brave New World.....
